Doomsday, Part 1 (10th x Rose)

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For those who want angst but in words instead of on the screen, part 1...

The day he left her became the worst day of her life.

It wasn't intentional, she knew that, but it seemed as though the universe was all for it. They couldn't do anything to see each other again.

It was months after the Battle of Canary Wharf in her birth world. Everything was on it's way back to normal. Now in the parallel world, the Tyler family, including Mickey and his gran, had moved into Pete's mansion. Her mother, Jackie, settled in quickly with Pete, now her father, and both of them were expecting a son in six months time. Torchwood was rebuilt and restored to the way it used to be. Pete resumed his job and she herself started to work there thanks to her being qualified enough due to her alien expertise. She didn't find herself going back to normal, however. Something was not right.

She wasn't with him, in the TARDIS, like it should be.

She tried to forget and carry on with her life. It should have been easy, she's done it for nineteen years, but she couldn't. There was no way she could forget what she's been through. Holding his hand and running, running from aliens, saving civilizations, protecting the past, present and future, it was incredible. It changed her life in so many ways, and her way of living it. So if you expect Rose Tyler to go back to living a normal, boring human life, then you're wrong.

Every night, she would go to sleep, wishing for a miracle, but so far, none had come. The small hope she has been clinging onto was soon vanishing, along with the rest of her soul. Tonight, like any other night, she went to bed, but it was different.


She had a dream.


It was a voice. She couldn't see anything but she heard a voice, and it was calling her name. It wasn't any random voice, it was his voice. The Doctor's voice, and he was calling for her.


No, it can't be.


He's gone, this shouldn't be happening.


Her eyes snapped open and she sat up immediately. Her head turned towards the window, where moonlight shone through. She recalled the voice she heard. It was him, definitely him, and there was no way she couldn't recognize it. It's definitely happening.

Without hesitation, she threw off her blanket and put on her slippers in the fastest way she could. As she passed the mirror in her bedroom, she caught a glimpse of her messy, blonde hair, but she didn't have time to bother. The Doctor called for her, and he needed her, just as much as she needed him.

She woke Mickey up first, for his room was just beside hers. Also, Mickey wasn't a hard one to wake up, all she had to do was shake him. When he heard her mention 'The Doctor', he got out of bed instantly, knowing how much this issue, whatever Rose was waking him up for, mattered to her.

It wasn't a task to wake both Jackie and Pete up. All it took was Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith, both entering the room at the same time, (Jackie woke up first in panic, "Is the house on fire?") and Mickey saying these four words.

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