I take in the feeling of his strong arms holding me so effortlessly, and the incredible scent emanating from him. I've never been this close to him before (except for when we kissed), and he seems to invade my senses as my thoughts go wild.

"I need your keys," he says. "You fell asleep in the car."

Still not fully awake, I fumble for my keys in my pocket and carelessly hand them to him, nuzzling my head back into the crook of his neck and closing my eyes again. I feel hum chuckle as I hear the door unlock and then shut behind him.

Keys clatter onto the kitchen counter as Luke's light footsteps echo through the apartment. Rain falls heavily outside, adding to my drowsiness.

Moments later, I feel Luke set me down lightly on what must be my bed. I sigh in my sleepy state and keep my eyes closed.

"Do you want me to take your shoes off?" I hear Luke off.

Entirely too exhausted to reply verbally, I nod to the best of my ability and Luke chuckles. I feel his hands close around my right foot as he unties the laces on my Keds, slipping each shoe off.

At this point, i'm almost completely onconscious again, barely noticing what happens after that.

I vaguely rememner Luke pulling the blankets over my body and tucking a piece of hair behing my ear gently before leaving my apartment.

The next morning, I wake up still in my clothes from last night. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and check the time. It's seven am on Monday--time to get ready for work.

As I slide out of bed, I notice a piece of paper sitting next to the alarm clock on my dresser.

Intrigues, I unfold it.


You fell asleep in my car last night. Don't let it happen again.


It was in that moment, as I read and reread the simple note ten times over, a silly grin spreading across my face, that I realized I have fallen for Luke.


"Welcome back, Alaska," Mr Connery greets me as I walk into the office a few hours later.

"Thank you," I smile.

"Well, it's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back."

I set my things down on my desk, my OCD immdiately kicking as I replace my items to where they should go.

"Morning, Alaska."

I look up and smile as I see Calum. "Hi."

"How was your trip?"

"It was pretty good. How was your soccer thing?"

"It was great actually. I got this certficate thing so I'm legally allowed to train people now," he says with a a large smile on his face.

"That's fantastic!"

"It is, isn't it?" He grins, and leans forward slightly. "Oh, and I ended up buying Skylar a coffe mug with a C in a heart. And I got one with an S." He nods towards Skylar's direction and I turn to see that she is indeed sipping from a cup with a large red heart and the letter C on it, a small smile on her lips.

"Good choice,"I tell Calum. "The home soda maker was a bit of a flight risk."

He gins. "I thought so too."

I begin my work for the day, wondering where Luke is. He hasn't shown up het, and it's almost nine o'clock. He's never this late.

I had barely finished thinking this when Luke slides into his desk, running a hand through his gelled hair.

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