Part 10

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"Do you think she'll be alright?" Perrie asked Leigh-Anne. Her brows had been furrowed ever since yesterday. Jade hadn't said a word since the control room, and refused to leave her bed since she got into it. Perrie was worried.

"One day, yeah. It just takes time." Leigh responded softly with a gentle hand on Perrie's knee.

"So tomorrow? That's one day."

"No Perrie, it's a figure of speech." Leigh said with a sigh. "It'll take more than one day for Jade to recover."

"If she does at all." Lauren adds bluntly. Perrie noted the glare that Leigh-Anne sent towards Lauren, but realized how she didn't understand. Lauren had grown close to Claud during their time together. Perrie could feel the intensity of Lauren's sadness wash over her as the raven haired woman stomped away. Their camp had been quiet, except for the occasional whispers between Jesy and Leigh-Anne as they tried to keep the group together. Leigh was having a hard time with Lauren, who snapped faster than usual, and was more negative and passive aggressive than even Jesy had seen. Leigh was ready to get up and follow Lauren, but Perrie grabbed her wrist... gently this time.

"Don't follow her."

"She's being an ass. Someone has to knock some sense into her." Leigh growled with closed fist.

"She's hurting... Leigh Leigh, we're all hurting. Just give her some space." Perrie gently pulled Leigh-Anne back onto the hammock. Ms. Pinnock's shoulders slumped as her anger subsided, being replaced by a wave of exhaustion and grief. She always tried too hard at being tough, burying her emotions never to deal with them.

"I'm just so tired Perrie." Leigh-Anne whispered as her head hit the blonde's shoulder. Perrie wrapped her arms around the other girl in a protective way as she cried. The two sat like this in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Are you trying to steal my woman?" Jesy joked as she entered camp. She had been working overtime trying to keep the mood light... but it didn't always work.

"I'm not an object that can be stolen." Leigh replied with a sad smile, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was too tired to play along.

"Plus," Perrie interjected. "I found her first. So if anyone stole anything, it's you Ms. Nelson."

"Guilty as charged." Jesy chuckled, squeezing in beside Leigh-Anne on the hammock.

The three women squealed as the hammock rocked backwards, almost knocking all of them off. Leigh-Anne latched onto Jesy as she cursed at her for "almost killing them".

"I've had it up to here with your language." Jesy said in what Perrie had learned was a 'Susan' accent. Perrie thought it was the funniest thing ever, howling loudly with laughter as Leigh followed suit. The two bickered back and fourth jokingly, with Perrie adding in her own occasional two cents.

"Would you lot just shut up!"

Perrie froze in place as the shock from the sight in front of her set in.

"Where did you get that?" Jesy asked wearily, eyeing the suspicious bottle clutched in Jade's hand.

"None of your business!" Jade snapped, drawing the precious object closer to her chest in a protective manner. Her hair was wild and tangled, put half hazardous into a messy bun. Her forehead was blotchy. With red empty eyes she admired the bottle within her grasp. She carefully brought the substance to her lips, wincing from the taste and the burning sensation it left in her throat.

"Jade..." Leigh-Anne cautiously stood up and slowly walked towards the brunette. "Give me the bottle."

"No! It's mine!" Jade screamed, pushing Leigh backwards and stumbling back into the pod. The door shut with a slam, causing Perrie to jump.

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