C h a p t e r 49: Revealing

Start from the beginning

She didn't meet his gaze. She wanted to hug her baby and stay there, forever, safe.

But she knew it wasn't the case, so she prayed to have another peaceful moment like that one day and that this feeling in her heart wouldn't be stolen again.

She nodded her head and walked out of the room with him.

Their mother was sitting in the living room while Lilli was still standing next to the closed door, focusing on her shoes, lost in her mind.

She didn't feel like home. This wasn't her home and she was confused.

The mother looked at Lilli and said, as Valencia and Zack were walking downstairs.

"Lilli, you just need to know that he kept his promise. He's one of the reasons why you're out. Come sit next to me, you'll need to hear the story too."


"Are you sure this is the place?" the policeman asked Dylan, as the men were waiting for his signal to go in, guns in their hands, stressed for their lives, and for the truth that will lay open soon.

He nodded his head and asked shakenly. "Please tell me whatever happens, everyone will be okay and safe, I don't want to lose anyone anymore."

The officer smiled softly at him. "Neither do we... everything will be okay."

It felt heavy in everyone's bones.

This case was bigger than anyone ever thought. All they knew was that a teenager slaughtered her neighbour after she came back in such a cruel way. They didn't know what hid behind each detail in the case.

Using the fragile minds of teenagers has always been one of the cruellest things because it just fucks them up and they'd do anything under the threat.

Thomas has been there for few minutes. He was standing next to Ethan as they both waited helplessly.

"Her mother got her out... she texted me. She's going to tell her everything. Do you want to be there for her?"

Ethan tensed a bit. He bit his bottom lip and sighed. "She doesn't remember anything. It'll only feel like I'm imposing myself. Even Zack doesn't know anything..."

That got them both to sigh.

"This is so much for her... it'-"

They were cut down by the police notice that they're going in.

It was an old apartment, or that's how it looked like from the outside.

As the police went in, the screaming started almost immediately, followed by gunshots.

It was a mess, a mess no one should ever witness, nor hide.


Asta hugged Declan as they were waiting in the hospital for any news concerning Ronnie.

His state only kept on getting worse on the way to the hospital. Even the doctors weren't optimistic.

Tanya's dead body was present in Declan's mind whenever he closes his eyes. None of them was able to stay there where they were taking her body.

Now, the sister that was hoping to be out of the orphan's house when her sister wins the custody will now be actually an orphan with no family.

Sometimes people do things for those they care about to revenge or protect them, but they end up only doing damage, ugly damage...

"She wasn't a bad person, but she made bad choices, remember that Declan, it wasn't your fault... what happened to her."

He was choking back tears, so all he could do was to hug her tighter.

Ronnie's family lived far away and it'd take them a day to get there. The two friends were the only waiting for their friend's news on spot.

"I don't know what to do if he doesn't make it... he came to protect me, he choose to stand by my side."

There was only silence welcoming them for a while.

"You know Ronnie, he's full of life. He can't lose against one bullet. He'll make it."


As they sat in the living room, their mother facing them and Lilli.

"I'll start from the beginning, before any of you was born. You know, in this life, there's the good and bad, in experiences, souvenirs, people from strangers to the closest to your heart and blood. I've never introduced you to the rest of your family for the same reason while I decided to never see them ever again. I've had a sister who didn't like the fact we were sharing everything, or how my parents would always punish her for acting mean to me. It grew inside of her, and when we lost our parents, another problem started, heritage. She harassed me whenever she could until I forced her to never get close to me by law interference. That's when I've met your father, it started like a cute love story at first. We've had our first kiss under a tree in the middle of nowhere... I guess you know where, that's why that place was special for him. We were happy, we really were. We married and I felt peaceful at last, then Zack made his appearance, then you Valencia."

She sighed and took a deep breath.

"Then things started going wrong."


Soooo guys!

I'm actually doing it!

Didn't know finishing a book is harder than starting it...


don't worry that's not the end yet, but sooooon!


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