19. I brought you coffee, M&M

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That did it to him. He held my forearm and dragged me back to the living room and gestured me to sit on the sofa. He dragged a small kitchen stool and sat on it, a few feet away from me, facing me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what, Cocoa bean?" I was running out of names here.

"Arghhhhh what will it take for me to make you stop doing..." he motioned his hands randomly and added "this?"

He looked at me with a confused expression.

Enough now don't overdo it. He might throw you out.

"This... what Chocó chip?"

His face turned serious and I think that was because my face must have shown my amusement.

"Riya? What do I have to do to make you stop calling me anything that is sweet?"

I considered his question

Am I done having fun?


But can I keep up with saying sweet things to his?

Hell... no.

We were looking at each other with serious expression and I ordered his in a monotone

"Drink the coffee I brought you."

"What did you mix in it?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

I looked at my nails, blew some air at them and said "you asked for this, Twix dear. We can do this all-day long, I don't mind."

"Fine" he grunted and walked to the stand and took the coffee. He stood there for some time examining the cup and smelling it.

"I will drink it, but you have to tell me what you mixed in it"

"You are not in a place to make any bargains or negotiations, kitkat. Just drink your coffee, I promise it is not poisonous"

He still looked skeptical but moved his cup near his mouth.

"Ahhh I nearly forgot no spitting and you should complete the entire cup," I said with nonchalance.

This was the moment I have been waiting for. This was the moment I dreamt of last night... ok more like imagined because I couldn't sleep. Ever since the idea of revenge formed inside my head I have been imagining various ways in which Ryan would react. And I was waiting for all my imaginations to take life and play in front of me.

But that was not happening. Ryan was bringing the cup near his face, smelling it, pushing it away and looking at it with doubt and skepticism. This cycle was going on and on and on.

Why is he wasting time?

Let's give him some time. After all this is a big thing for him. He must be running out of different animal that might have peed in it, so it's fine. Let him take his time, for five minutes.

You think, he thinks something peed in it?

Knowing Ryan, I will be surprised if he doesn't think of anything like that.

Yaa but what will you do till then? Hmm let me think... I have a brilliant idea. Why don't I haunt your conscience again with the thoughts I conjured last night when you tried to sleep?

What? Brain no, you can't do that to me, not now.

I am sorry Riya, but that is what I do. I make you recall things you don't want to think about, when you least expect them. Ok so, where were we? Hahn... so I still strongly think you shouldn't have spoken to your father like that. After all he is your father.

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