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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


In the blink of a week, time swiftly passed. Taehyung requested his father to allow us to focus on work, but for the sake of our public image, we had to enjoy a honeymoon for at least a week. Thus, we retreated to the countryside, rented a villa, and yet some persistent reporters managed to tail us.

Although we weren't celebrities, the motives behind their pursuit remained perplexing.

"Transfer team, stand by. We're departing in 10 minutes. Y/n, could you verify everyone's presence?" Jimin, our head of the transfer team, instructed.

Cross-referencing Jimin's list with the attendees, I confirmed, "All present and ready to go, sir!" In a matter of minutes, we arrived at KTH Limited.

As we disembarked, a group of KTH Ltd employees welcomed us at the entrance, guiding our path to the meeting room.

"Greetings and welcome to KTH Ltd." Soobin, the former secretary of Kim Taehyung, extended his welcome.

I would take over his role while he transitioned to a new position. Seated on one side of the table, the transfer team faced Taehyung and his team on the opposite side.

"Our team has been assigned their respective roles and is advised to commence work today. We face a series of projects that require meticulous consideration, as this marks our initial undertaking post-merger." Soobin elaborated, presenting project details on the screen.

Thereafter, the mundane yet essential business discourse ensued, culminating in Taehyung's concluding remarks.

"May our collaborative efforts yield exceptional outcomes. Your presence at this meeting is greatly appreciated." With those words, Taehyung adjourned the session, departing the room followed by Soobin.

Jungkook and Hana audibly sighed, expressing their weariness.

"That was incredibly boring!" Hana murmured, ensuring her words remained unheard.

Jimin playfully chided, "Dull, yet important. Let's not mess anything up!"

"Why am I stuck working with Kim Mingyu? Word is, he's quite a cranky individual." Jungkook griped, eyeing the individual in question as he conversed with another team member.

"You seem to find everyone cranky except us. Mingyu is genuinely a nice soul! I bet you'll befriend him before the rest of us do," Jimin chuckled, lightly tapping Jungkook's shoulder.

"Alright, break time's over. Let's dive into work. New environment, fresh energy." I rallied, offering a fighting gesture to motivate our team.

While Hana and Jungkook groaned lazily, Jimin and I exchanged knowing glances, shaking our heads at the duo's lazy attitude.

While Hana and Jungkook groaned lazily, Jimin and I exchanged knowing glances, shaking our heads at the duo's lazy attitude

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The situation was incredibly nerve-wracking. I stood before the CEO's office, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over me as I contemplated entering. I was aware it was Taehyung, but his demeanor at work exuded an entirely different aura. Despite having some experience in this secretary role during a previous internship at a smaller company, I found myself anxious.

Regardless, I knocked on the door and, upon hearing his deep voice granting me permission to enter, I stepped inside and respectfully lowered my head.

"How may I assist you, sir?" I inquired, internally scolding myself for the awkwardness of the situation.

Even though he was my husband, I was compelled to address him formally as "sir" in adherence to office protocols, suppressing the urge to call him an asshole. The boundary between work and personal life made this situation decidedly awkward.

As I raised my gaze, I caught sight of him smirking, seemingly relishing the discomfort. He was truly deriving amusement from this.

"Start by fetching me a coffee, and then I'll brief you on your tasks," he instructed, his smirk lingering.

There was no doubt that he was deriving enjoyment from this situation.

"Understood, sir. Is there anything else?" I inquired, upholding courtesy.

He shook his head, maintaining his smirk, which only added to my growing frustration.

Turning away, I rolled my eyes before departing the room. My exasperation led me to mutter, "Who does he think he is?" on my way to the break room to prepare some coffee.

Just then, my phone rang; it was my father.

"What's the matter?"

"Y/n, you need to come home immediately."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Come home, and you'll find out."

"Alright, I'll inform Taehyung and then head over."

With the coffee in hand, I hastened back to the office, not bothering to knock this time. It seemed urgent ; my father seemed gravely serious.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry, but ask Soobin to cover for you today as well. I need to leave right away!" I informed him in a hurried tone.

He looked at me with sudden concern.

"Has something happened?" He inquired cautiously.

"I'm not sure. My dad called me. I apologize, but could you handle things for me?" I requested, offering my apology before swiftly exiting the room.

Within minutes, I arrived at my house and stepped inside, noticing a man seated on the couch, facing my parents, his back turned to me. Jin followed me into the room.

I exchanged a look with my parents, silently inquiring about the man's identity, but their unease was evident.

"Ah, there you are, my niece," the man rose and turned to face me.

I froze in place, a chilling realization washing over me. A scar extended from his eyebrow to his cheek—a scar I knew all too well from my nightmares. The man from my haunting dreams, my father's brother, had resurfaced in my life.

 The man from my haunting dreams, my father's brother, had resurfaced in my life

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