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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Y/n's POV

So there I was, celebrating my twenty-fifth birthday like any self-respecting adult would—with shots, laughter, and a wild night with friends. Jungkook and Hana had thrown me a surprise party, and boy, did they know how to lift my spirits. The stress of work and everyday life was temporarily forgotten as I let loose and embraced the festivities.

Now, let's fast forward a bit. Picture me, slightly buzzed, stumbling out of the bar with all the grace of a baby giraffe on roller skates. My friends and I called separate cabs to ensure our safe journeys home. As I hopped into my designated cab, I leaned back, feeling the weight of the world slide off my shoulders.

"Mom! I'm home!" I announced dramatically, kicking off my sandals and propping myself against the wall like a true superstar.

But alas, there was no response. No warm, motherly voice echoing through the house.

"Mom! MOM!" I shouted, searching the kitchen and her room to no avail.

Panic started to creep in. Where was she? Ah, the office! Of course, because why wouldn't we have an office right here in our own house? My dad's workaholic tendencies were truly next level.

Intrigued, and slightly worried, I made my way to the office. And there they were, my parents, grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats who had just discovered a lifetime supply of cream.

"What's got you two all giddy?" I asked, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. I couldn't help but wonder what absurdity awaited me.

Dad jumped up from his chair, grinning like a maniac. Mom looked like she was about to explode from sheer excitement. This had to be good.

"Y/N..." Dad began, his voice laced with a strange mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Hold up. This is about to get serious.

I sent a silent prayer to the universe, hoping for good news. Please, please, let it be something amazing.

"I'll cut to the chase," Dad said, giving me a meaningful look before glancing at Mom. "Hyejin, you do the honors."

Mom opened her mouth, then closed it. She tried again, shaking her head. Okay, what was this bizarre charade? I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom, Dad, for the love of all things sane, just tell me already! You're both acting like you've won the lottery. Spit it out!" I whined, my curiosity reaching its peak.

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