The whole cafe turned to look at her, but she wasn't paying attention, just staring out of the window in horror. Her friends looked around nervously, bowing their heads in apology on her behalf as they tried to tug her back into her seat.

"Yoojung-ah, sit down. What are you doing?" One of the girls asked, attempting to yank her down, but she remained standing, her short frame rigid.

"No, Doyeon! We need...we need to get out of here, but how? They're everywhere." She began muttering, her voice losing and gaining volume as she watched the events unfolding outside of the window. The friend that had been trying to get her to sit down, Doyeon, finally looked out of the window and froze. After a pause, she began yelling at her friends to get up.

"We have to leave. We have to go, now! Come on!" She cried, pulling Yoojung away from the window where the girl's gaze had remained, trapped by whatever she was seeing outside the window.

Letting his curiousity get the better of him, Jimin quickly hopped up to the cafe window and looked out, taking a reflexive step back from the sight that he saw. Intruiged, the other young men came to look out from behind him.

"What on earth...?" Hoseok breathed out as the horror etched itself onto his face. More customers in the store made their way over to the window, curious about what was causing such a big fuss.

The beautiful park scenery that had contributed to the cafe's charm was now littered with tens of people, bloody and limping, as they approached citizens walking through the park, gaining astounding speed and latching their mouths onto shoulders, necks, arms and even legs as they bit out large chunks of flesh from the innocents that weren't suspecting it.

The people attacked fell to the floor, gargling as blood poured out of their wounds and their mouths and noses leaked crimson, only to rise again a few minutes later with the same rolled back irises, the same pink eyes, the same gait. It was as though their lives had been ended, but their bodies weren't done.

Jimin's eyes widened as he recalled Jungkook's words from their phone call earlier.

"Has anything happened? People running around attacking each other?"

Jungkook had known. How did he know? Was that why he wasn't at school? Jimin whipped around to face Hoseok. They couldn't stay here anymore. They needed space away from here to think.

"Hyung, where did you park?" Hoseok didn't give him an answer, too immersed in silently watching the disaster unfold outside the store window. Jimin grabbed him by the elbows and shook him roughly, drawing the upperclassman out of his trance.

"I said, where did you park your car?" Jimin asked again, desperation leaking out of his voice as he gripped his friend. Hoseok blinked at him, eyes slowly going back to look out of the window. He didn't speak for a while, lips trembling as he attempted to regain control over himself.

"On the other side." He murmured. Jimin stared at him with uncharacteristically wide eyes. Real useful, hyung! Turning back to look out the window, Jimin took note of how still Taehyung and Namjoon stood, as though they had been petrified. It wasn't just them.

The whole cafe was deathly quiet as they watched the events taking place outside. Since the door to the cafe was closed, they couldn't hear anything at all. It was a silent horror movie. All the zombies had been moving around at a fairly far away distance from the cafe, so the customers inside had just been onserving in shock.

But then one turned around and locked eyes with Taehyung.

The creature bared its bloody teeth before rushing the store, crashing into the window at top speed and leaving a trail of blood as it slid down. Taehyung took his hand off the window, wiping it roughly against his trousers as though the blood had directly come off on him. The whole store excluding Taehyung took half a step back when the customers realised that the attention of the zombies had been drawn to the building. They were now the new targets.

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