"Okay." I reached into my pocket and grabbed my keys, taking off my last spare key to my house for her. "Wow. I feel like real mother-in-law now."

I chuckled and nodded. "You always were."

She smiled at that before pushing me towards the door. "Now go and check on my child."


After I grabbed Alex's things that I didn't have at my place already and Alex himself, I headed back home. The whole ride I was thinking of all the possible scenarios between Adam and Kimora. The thought of Kimora cheating on me with him was quickly tossed out of the question. I don't believe she'd do that.

So it had to be something caused by Adam. Did they stop being friends? I couldn't stop my lips from curling up into a smile at the thought of that. It'd be a weight off of my shoulders if he's out of Kimora's life and not causing her any harm and not testing my patience.

However, she wouldn't be so broken over her friendship ending with that ass.

I broke out of my thoughts when I fianlly arrived at my place. I got out of the car and helping Alex too. I cursed under my breath seeing he got his fur on the seat. "Why do you have to shed so much, Alex?"

He tilted his head to the side and I couldn't help but, smile. He's so innocent.

It was a struggle carry his things, making sure the food didn'tfalll and make sure Alex didn't run off and jump on someone's leg for them to pet them. I almost tripped over him when I opened the front door. I got a queasy feeling in my stomach as I closed the door. I quickly ducked from something thrown in my direction and it shattered against the wall.

My lamp!

I whipped my head back to Kimora who looked almost as surprised as I was but, I could see fear in her eyes which was replaced with relief and realization. "What the fuck, Kimora?!"

"I... I'm sorry." She rubbed her arm, looking down at Alex who was barking at the broken glass as if it attacked us. "I thought you were someone else..."

"Adam?" I suggested for a personal joke. I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing trick on me or if she jumped at his name. Either way it only made me more curious to find out what happened. I dropped Alex's things onto the couch and the food onto the counter. "Your Mom made this for us. She worried about you. We all are."

Kimora glanced at the plastic bag but, didn't make a move to go and eat it.

I sighed, pulling her into a hug. "Can you please tell me what happened?"

She relucantly shook her head, pushing on my chest. "I-It's better if you don't know."

I grimaced. "Kimora, he obviously did something to you that has you shaken up and I want to know what it is so I can punch him in his face for making you act like this." I grabbed her wrists before she could fully push me away and charge back into the room. "You're not being you right now. You think I don't hear you? You think I don't want to help you from whatever is making you so frightened? It pains me to see you like this."

She let out a shuttered sigh. "I'm sorry but, I... I just can't." She forced her hands away from me and walked over to Alex. I could tell she was petting him as a distraction to not look me. I scoffed and just cleaned up the lamp before taking a shower.


I felt someone shaking me awake and I groaned, not even bothering to open my eyes. I hardly get any sleep and I surely wanted to enjoy my sleep now. There was another rough shake and I guess I had no choice but, to get up. A guy can't get any sleep these days.

I slowly opened my eyes and met with Kimora's face. She looked worried. I heard Alex's faint growling from somewhere on the floor. "What's wrong?"

"Someone's at the door."

I frowned, glancing at the time to see it was 10 PM. I guess I slept a long time after I got out of the shower. I flipped the blanket from off of me and lazily walked to the door with a noisy dog following behind me. Opening the door, Tyler and Audrey greeted me with a bright smile. "Hey."

I blinked about to close the door but, Tyler quickly pushed it back. "Don't close the door on us. We're trying to be good friends."

"You interrupted my sleep. You're not good friends." I yawned, heading towards the room and peeked my head inside to see Kimora sit up. "It's just Audrey and Tyler."

"Oh." She simply said. I expected her to make a move but, she stayed on the bed. I could tell she doesn't want to be bothered by anyone. She still had that stoic expression on her face. I sighed, closing the door and going into the living room to join Audrey and Tyler.

"Kimora is asleep." I lied.

Audrey sighed, clenching her jeans. "I'm so worried about her... I never seen her like this."

"Neither have I." I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you two were leaving to Trinidad."

"Yeah but, seeing Kimora like this made me want to stay."

Tyler shrugged. "I wanted to make sure you two alright. What exactly happened? Audrey never told me what happened."

"We found her at some house Adam and her were at. She... she looked so empty and scared."

"She was also bleeding..."

I snapped my head to Audrey. "What did you just say?"

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora