Chapter 4

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Jimins POV:

Curse my stupid curiosity and me!

Here I am, kneeling behind some dumpsters in a secluded alleyway with one hand covering my mouth and the other tightened around my fast beating heart. I'm terrified and for a moment I wonder how stupid I actually am. 

I blame it all on the voice in my head that told me that going towards the noise was a good idea.

Honestly; fuck you curiosity!

The menacing voice continues to whisper in my ear and before I know it I find myself steading my breath before turning my head in their direction. I shift ever so slowly as to not make a sound so that I'm able to get a better view of them.

He's there and it frightens me even more to see that the grin on his face has turned wider. Another set of shivers run down my spine as I watch him take his mask off.

He is drop dead gorgeous.

The way his smile turns into a boxy grin and his eyes kinda disappear when he makes the gesture, makes my heart flutter. The cute little mole on the tip of his nose is adorable and only adds to his beautiful appearance. But, at the same time there's something mystical about him.

His face suddenly shifts, his eyes becoming more prominent and darker if possible and when his boxy smile turns to a straight line, I can see the evilness in him. He's suddenly so sinister and cold looking that I wonder why I thought he looked attractive in the first place.

He's not alone.

His buddy is shorter than him, but looks even more sadistic. His angel-blonde hair is styled sideways on top of his head, but with the bangs still covering his forehead and some of his dark brown eyes. His skin looks almost sickly pale, like a dead person and he lacks visible muscles compared to his friend.

He is wearing similar clothing to the silver haired man though. All black, facemask too, but it's pulled down and resting on his chin. To be honest, he ain't bad looking either, but for some reason I can't see the attraction anymore.

There is a third man too although by the looks of it, he isn't part of their little gang. The duo appears cold towards him and I can tell that he is nervous about something.

I shift again as my foot is falling asleep and steady myself before I try to listen in on their conversation.

"You got the cash?" the silver-haired man asks, scowling at the third guy who nods before he reluctantly puts his hand in his back-pocket. I almost gasp when he pulls out a big roll of money.

The pale man scoffs almost looking disappointed before turning around to pull out a suitcase from behind a dumpster.

"That's not gonna get you anything, are you trying to play us?" he accuses, having a firm hold on his suitcase. The third man immediately puts his hands up in a defending and surrendering manner. He shakes his head almost desperately and I swear I can see tears brim in the corner of his brown eyes.

He's scared, terrified actually and the way he backs away from the duo tells me that he doesn't really want to be there. "That's all he gave me, please," he pleads, reaching his hand out for the silver-haired man to grab his money. He does, quickly skimming through them before securing them in his pocket.

He turns to the man again, eyeing him up and down before another sinister grin makes its way onto his face. "That's not gonna help you..." he mocks, pulling his jacket back and when the gun becomes visible I choke a cry. My hand immediately goes up to cover my mouth and I duck back behind the dumpsters before they get a chance to spot me.

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