No more fun nights at the pub with them getting barely recognized from looking like they haven't showered for ages. They're now... out and about again. Famous than ever. "I-I'm coming." I adjusted the duffel bag around my shoulders and followed him in, looking at one of my best friend and seeing him change entirely. I wasn't here for the process so I knew nothing... but a question lingers.

How did he know I'm gonna be home?

My phone vibrated when we reached the elevator and right then, it was a message from Kira.

Gave you a jumpstart. I know you'll be having cold feet. Always got ya, love!

I groaned internally, following Calum inside the elevator and almost hearing the loud thumping of my chest amidst the annoying elevator music. He never spoke a word while we're inside, never spoke a word when he unlocked my own apartment for me, and had never spoke a word when I took a seat by the counter while he cooks something for breakfast. No bonnet, no glasses, and no fancy clothes. The same curly haired idiot I've grown with over the years.


"Breakfast before anything." I pursed my lip and nod, learning to adjust by their preference and coldness, knowing this will be bound to happen to all of them. They're gonna treat me like I betrayed them the same, because of what I did. I fully... understand that even if it hurts like shit.

Calum laid both plates and sat across of me, devouring the meal he did while I slowly ate mine. I didn't know if I have the appetite to eat something when my own best friend didn't even want to hear my voice and I know that it's all my fault. "I can't do this, Cal." I laid the fork down in frustration and covered my face with my hands, voiding myself of seeing the disappointment in his face, and the tears ready to fall from my eyes. "When you came to me, it helped me realized something. That's why I got back, that's why I'm here. And I'm sorry! I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for not telling you guys what happened and I'm sorry for ever hurting you."

A figure enveloped me in his strong hands and brush my back gently, hearing his shushing mellow voice and smelling the same damn perfume of when I left. "Lacey." He breathed out while I cry my heart out, if I'm going to be honest, this is a start.

"I made a mistake of leaving and not considering what my other three best friends would feel. I felt so hurt, so... betrayed that it kept happening. I got so blinded by the mere fact of getting hurt that I didn't notice, I was hurting someone else too. I was hurting my best friends by not trusting them enough to tell them how I feel, or to trust them enough to help me." I bit my lip as Calum brushed my tears, the tears that won't stop falling no matter what I do. "I didn't want all of you to pick sides, Cal. I left because I knew you needed Luke more than you need me."

"But we're never complete of having one without the other." I hastily turned and saw Mikey and Ashton, leaning by the door while I realized they have been there for a while now and had heard everything I had to say without even noticing they're there.

"I just... I'm sorry. I don't want to drag more explanation because what I did was wrong. I just didn't know it at the time." I brushed my hair away and look back and forth towards my three best friends. "I miss you, and I shouldn't have left."

It seemed to have been the magic word when three men squeeze me into a hug, limiting me of the air I need while they tell me things everything at once and not understanding a thing as I was too squeezed on Ashton's surprisingly broad chest. "Alright, alright. Let me breathe." The three pulled away and it felt like something had been lifted off of my chest, something heavy fell and I could get back up now. Only one more step left to do.

"We missed you, too, Lace. And never for a second think that we needed the one more than the other. We're all halves of what we built, and we would never be fully complete without being the five seconds of summer that we really are." I pulled into Ashton's and gave my dad-figure a hug. Someone who I really value what comes out of his mouth. "Mikey missed you terribly." He whispered and I turned to Mikey who's fixing his cap as he sports a new blonde hair do.

I pulled away and turned to him as he looks down, giving me a brief glance before going back to what he's doing. "Mikey? I'm really sorry if you ever took burrito and no one to gag with for the past months--but... I'm here now? I could gag with you again." He pursed his lip and rolled his eyes, eventually giving in as he pulled me into a hug, the bear hug I really missed so damn bad.

"You promise to gag with me and never leave again?" He murmured and I chuckled,

"I promise." I immediately heard the television opening and it was like the old times when Ashton and Calum sat by the sofa, their feet by the coffee table--and Mikey realizing he shouldn't miss the same scene when he stormed off to sit right beside Ash, leaving me at the kitchen while my hands are over my waist. I made my way to where they are, keeping my mum to myself as I knew they just recently let me off the hook, but sat right beside Calum and gave him a look.

"Okay, what is it now?" His voice dragged and I rolled my eyes.

"What did I say about boarding on my apartment?" His brows raised and smiled cheekily.

"Really now? Your apartment? I payed the last rent so technically it's mine, Lacey. That's how rent works." He says as he proudly stacks his feet on the glass table and even with his shoes on.

"Oh, really now?" He nods, his other hand going around my shoulders right after snuggly setting himself on the sofa. "Well, cleaning and keeping up with everyday task for the house is also how renting works. So, I guess?" I grabbed the bag of chips of Ashton's hands as the three of them watches me dunk my whole hands on the bag, grab a handful and stack it all in my mouth, letting crumbs fall on the floor. "You have to clean that up until the end of the month you payed." I shrugged, dusting my palms on the coffee table and giving a quick peck on the cheek as he sat there, shock written on his face as the two laughs at him hysterically.

I made my way back to the kitchen to wash my hands even if I internally cringe to the fact that I just did that--at my own apartment, but knew I had to teach Calum some house lessons he didn't have to do for getting someone to take care of his own house. I laugh to myself, but not before a knock on the door paused my thoughts. "I'll get it." I muttered, a napkin on my hand as I wiped the water off and as soon as I opened the door, my heart literally... fell out of my chest.

"You're back."

FIFTH HALF ― luke hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now