Chapter 16~~ Naturally

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Hunter's POV

" Look kid, it's simple. We just go in there and create a distraction while you take the Poke Balls and go , okay?" Arin started explaining the whole process to me as we left the Rocket base in one of the trucks. We bounced over the rough terrain, occasionally jolting up high when we ran over a tree branch. I nodded , and gazed outside , through the cracked window shield. A flock of Spearow was overhead , crying out to one another. " The boss wants some Electric and Water type Pokemon, but get anything that looks useful," the bi-color haired man continued. " If you do good on this , it'll be all the better for you. I know its not any of my buisniess to poke my nose in , but he may let you use Pokemon types normally restricted, like Fire, Dragon , and such." Arin sounded a little bitter, and I couldn't blame him. I mean, here I was , just a kid, practically taking his glory.

" Hey, pep talk done? Cuz we're here", Danny said, cutting the engine. We stepped out of the truck, and the pair reached into their pockets, and pulled out two guns.

" I won't do it if you kill innocent people", I shouted, and they both looked at me in shock , taken aback by my outburst.

" Kid , no, these guns shoot little Poke balls in their compressed sizes, and they only contain Jigglypuffs. We ain't the killing type", Arin said gruffly, and Danny nodded in agreement.

" He's right Hunter, we don't kill people at Center robberies, just put them to sleep if we need to".

I calmed down, sightly relieved. That didn't mean I felt much better though. I was still stealing from people, their partners they loved. I shook my head, dismissing the second thoughts, and gave the pair a grin. " I'm ready".

Arin's POV

The kid grinned with confidence, but I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes. His morales were being jumbled, as where mine when I joined. Suddenly, I was a part of the organization I normally stopped. But that was in the past, before Suzy... I imagined that my thoughts of her were a folder , filled with papers. And my mind was a collection of filing cabinets. All my thoughts were in the cabinets, but some where messy and cluttered. Finally my subconsciousness stopped in front of a small, dusty filing cabinet. The label read , ' The Vault'. The lock came off, and I stuffed the folder inside. Then it closed, the lock clicking around it once more.

" Okay kid , all youse gotta do is, go around the back, and there is an air duct vent. Use your Rattata to break inside, and start crawling through the vents. The pattern you wanna follow is : Right, Left, Left, Right. That'll take you right to the place they store Pokemon. Grab 'em and go, we'll meet up with you outside. You have fifteen minutes to get in and out, understand?" The kid nodded, his hair falling into his eyes. " Good, now go!" Danny ran ahead of me, and I followed close behind, pulling a Houndoom mask over my face. " Get on the damn ground, and no one gets hurt, got it?" A few people started screaming, and one of the nurses fainted on the spot, but they did as they were told, and laid down, shaking.

" Ey! Grump ," Danny said, using the code names we used during missions. " You think any of these lovely peoples, can they give us anything we want?"

" Maybe a little something from that pretty lady over there, Not So Grump", I answered, pointing to a blonde haired figure, shaking on the ground. It was all show , of course, but we had to keep up a distraction, before officer Jenny caught wind of us. A squeak came from the blonde laying down, and I grinned. " She's scared, buddy, we better make her feel safe", I chuckled, moving behind her. Danny grabbed her off the ground, and I turned her head to face mine. But to my surprise, and horror, a guy stared back. Tears leeched out of his blue eyes, and he started whimpering.

" Please, don't hurt me, I don't have anything on me". Danny threw him down in disgust, and I heard a chuckle. A brown haired punk, about the same age of the blondie, was giggling to him self.

" You think this is funny, grommet. We'll see who's laughing once we put a bullet through your head", I barked , and the brunette ducked down, shaking. "That's what I thought," I hissed, and glanced up. I could see the shadow of Hunter. He paused , and gave me a shaky thumbs up, before crawling further through the air vents .

Hunter's POV

I shuffled through the pipes, trying to stay quiet, while Scooter, my Rattata , followed close behind, hopping around and moving with ease. He was squeaking with excitement the whole time, and he was constantly looking at me , as if to say , " This is fun!" I smiled , but before I knew what was happening, I was falling through the air, Scooter squealing with fear. I landed on top of a pile of boxes, thankfully. As I sat up, trying to regain my senses, red orbs made their way into my vision. Poke balls. I hurried started grabbing them, glancing at the labels. Raichu, Corsola, even a Bayleef. I finished filling the bag , and a intense wave of guilt washed over my beach that was my mind. Not just for taking the Pokemon , but how easy it was, how naturally it came. Like it was what I was born to do. " I guess I was", I said out loud, resting my head against a wall.

Anger came over me, and I slammed my fist into the wall. Of course it wasn't very effective, and I started screaming with pain. Scooter jumped onto my shoulder , nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

" At least you're here for me, buddy ", I crooned, and I took off through the window, running when my feet hit the ground.

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