Chapter 12~~~ Surprise

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Nate's POV

I ran back into the house, and up the stairs into my mother's bedroom. " Mom? Mom, wake up!" She sat up, eyes blinking and her hair a mess.

" Nathan, its late. What's wrong?" She asked, rubbing the drowsiness out of her eyes.

" Mom, some one kidnapped Hunter, look!" She took the small , folded up paper out of my hands, and began reading it. As she did, a grim look crossed her face. " Oh, oh this is not good, oh no", she murmured, setting the paper down.

" Mom, what's going on?" I asked, starting to panic. She looked me in the eyes, and I could see the fear flash in them.

" Hunter... Team Rocket has him. And I don't know if we can help him." Her face fell, and despair hit me. Hunter was gone. And I don't know if we can save him. A knock at the door interrupted us, and my mother looked outside, to see who it was. Her face immediately changed , and she hurried me down the hall. " Nathan, go get the door, I'm going to make some tea! Go, go on!"

I shrugged , and ran down to answer tthe door. " Sorry it took so long", I mumbled , opening the door.

" Don't worry about it , but I hear some one in your household is missing?" A voice replied, and when I glanced up, my breath got stuck in my throat. There, standing in front of me, was one of the Champions of the Regions, the Pokemon Master, Red. He must have seen the surprise on my face, because he started chuckling. " Surprised?"

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