Chapter 23 - Alone

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Hunter's POV

I found Arin later on top of the shed where they kept empty Pokeballs or rejected Pokemon, tossing rocks at the cars parked nearby.
" Arin? Are you okay?" I could see his body stiffen up, and he dropped the rock he was holding.
" Yeah kid, I'm okay. Didn't mean to snap at ya." I sat down next to him, and he turned to face me. " You probably got some questions, yeah?" I nodded, and he sighed. " Then I'll start from the beginning. Suzy.. She was my fianceé. We met in highschool, feel in love, I proposed to her right after we graduated." He paused, looking up at trees above us. " She said yes, and I was happy.. We were happy. Then.. She left, she just disappeared. I tried looking for her, of course. But she's gone." He looked at me, and I could see the tears shining in his eyes. " A-And that's the gist of it." I nodded, and turned to leave.
" Thanks for telling me, Arin", I mumbled as I walked away. He didn't respond, but the sound of tear drops hitting the tin roof of the shed was enough.

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