"Sounds like a great idea!" I thought for a moment. "So same girls, but the guys will be Gajeel, Natsu, Gray, and maybe Jellal if I can catch him again."

"Alrighty! I'll gather everyone over for you!" Mira offered while handing Cana another barrel of beer. "What time should we all come over?"

"Five will be fine," I promised simply. She smiled and continued with her work. I turned to Lucy. "Any game suggestions? I might as well set up games with the time I have."

"Hmmm... I want to play the pocky game again!" The blonde claps cheerfully. I chuckle and give a her a thumbs up with a simple, "For you, Luce." I get up and scan for Gray, he's going to help me cook. I finally spot him and walk over.

"Hey, Y/N!" He greets while waving. I smile.

"Hey, mind helping me cook for the sleepover I'm hosting? It's an apology for running off. Mira's idea."

"It'd be my pleasure." With that, I dragged him off to prepare steak with the side of homemade fries or salad and some strawberry cake for dessert.

▪Mira's POV▪

My plan is already in motion. Tonight will be the night I get all my OTPS together! I'll pair up people, well excluding myself and Wendy, and force them to place 7 Minutes in Heaven. This is going to be perfect.

▪Time Skip▪
▪Y/N's POV▪

By around 4:50, Gray and I had already finished dinner. I smiled and wiped my sweat covered forehead and gave Gray a peck on the cheek and thanked him. He blushed, looking the other way and smiled back.

"All that's left is the cake!" I spoke in a satisfied tone. I'm ready to be done already, we made at least 4 batches of fries and grilled 6 steaks, considering how much Natsu eats and how much Gajeel might eat, and 2 bowls of salad. I quickly frowned realizing we didn't have enough flour, or any strawberries. "Shit!" I stomped and threw off my greased covered apron.

"What's wrong, love?" Gray asked, seemingly a little annoyed that I swore.

"We don't have any strawberries and we don't have enough flour," I grumble, frustrated our guests would arrive before everything was prepared.

"I can get some from the grocery store," he shrugged, taking off his apron as well. I thought about it and nodded.

"Please, it would be helpful," I smiled and hugged him, "You're the best." He laughed, patting me on the head as he left. As he left, I looked in my pocky stash. There's five boxes left. It's almost the only type of sweet I enjoy. Other then cheesecake and maybe chocolate ship cookies. I quickly grabbed two and put them on the coffee table. I sat down and took a deep breath, preparing for a long night.

The doorbell rang shortly after I sat down. A sigh escaped my lips as I got up lazily and opened the door. Levy and Lucy arrived first this time.

"Welcome!" I greeted with a smile. They smiled back and thanked me, placing their stuff on the floor near the couch. "Anything you want to drink? Water, milk, soda, blood?" I teased.

"Hmmm, I prefer bone smoothie, but a water is fine, thanks!" Levy laughed. Lucy and I chuckled as I got a water for Levy and myself and a soda for Lucy. I gave them their drinks and waited.

•Ice Cold• Gray Fullbuster x Reader •Fanfiction•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن