Prologue & Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"Well hello there hot stuff, I'm Tyler welcome to cabin eleven, if you didnt know already this is the Hermes' cabin, Greek God of roads, speed, messengers, commerce, travel, thieves, merchants, athletes, and mail deliverers." He turned around to grab out a sleeping bag, pillow and a few clothes for me, I pushed the clothes back at him.

"You can keep those, no thanks." He grinned.

"Alright they will be right here if you need them." Tyler walked away as Zoe walked up and ran over and hugged me, I immedently pushed her away. 

"What the fuck Zoe?! I almost died and you ran away?" I walked out of cabin eleven as she followed me.

"I was going to get help!" Zoe said as she followed me down the hill trying to stop me.

 A fury suddenly came down out of no where and grabbed Zoe. I sighed wishing I had a normal life before I closed my eyes and concretrated on what was left of my strength to summon skeletons pulling the fury into the ground. Zoe looked at me when I opened my eyes, I walked over to her to help her get up as she backed away from me.

"Zoe... What is it?" I asked stoping as she stood up and ran away. I turned around to look up at the hill where Chiron stood at the top of the hill, along with the rest of the campers. Everyone had either a scared or shocked face, I felt tears well up along my face.

I fucking hate it here.

Nico's pov

I saw shock and terror in every campers face, this is happening all over again, I as watched Caitlin ran away, I ran down the hill after her grabbing her arm, she turned around and hugged me. I hugged her back,"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Why is everyone so afraid of me?" Caitlin asked tears running down her face.

"I don't know," I said.

"I got your shirt wet, sorry." Caitlin said as she tried to stop crying.

"Don't worry about it." I said grabbing Caitlin's hand.

 I took her to her mom's, I knew exactly who she was now, my dad's enemy, his ex worker. She used to control the souls of Hell. She got tired of it one day through and my dad and her went to war.

"Caitlin! Baby!" the woman yelled.

"Mom!" Caitlin said hugging her. I smiled, for us Demi-Gods it's a rare occasion to see even one of our real parents.

"Come in." she said. We both walked in and sat on Caitlin's couch, Caitlin grabbed my hand and I smiled.

 Bianca was right, we are a cute couple.

• • •

Chapter 1

Caitlin's pov

I stood up wiping the tears off my face, both of us are fifteen, same abilities, different parents.

I love it because he teaches me how to use all my abilities. Sometimes when were alone we talk more about each other and our lives and sometimes we kiss.

My life otherwise is shit, in not allowed into Camp Half-Blood because of some stupid thing that went something like,

Enemies at birth, lovers at heart, one family will protect the world and the other shall destroy the world. It goes on and on.

We love each other, were enemies but weren't not going to destroy the world.

• • •

"Caitlin!" a familiar voice yelled.

I looked up to see Nico standing with Bianca.

"Nico!" I screamed running up to hug him, he smiled.

"I missed you!" Nico said kissing me.

"And I missed you." I said kissing him back.

It was summer break so me and Nico decided to spend every moment we had together. Nico looked at Me and sighed  

"Caitlin, my dad wants me and Bianca to go live with him in He for the whole summer. " He mumbled.

We sat in my hotel room like we always had every day after school.

"Oh, maybe I could come!"

"Yeah! That would be great." Nico said,

Nico got out of bed as he started to pack my things together. I got myself up as I finished helping him.

"Ready?" Nico asked holding out his hand.

"As always." I grabbed his hand as we stood outside the Hollywood Sign.

We met Bianca there, "Ok Are you seriously dating my brother?" Bianca asked.

" Yup." I said smiling.

I grabbed Nico's hand as we stepped into the boat that took us to Hades castle.

We all walked into the castle/palace like house, Nico brought me to his room which consisted of Black walls, Black carpet black bed sheet covers with some other things like a tv, laptop, and some books. I felt at peace here, safe as could be.

Nico shut the door and I heard the lock click, "Why'd ya lock the door?" I asked sitting on his bed

"We don't want my dad coming in during one of our make out sessions do we?" Nico asked.

I laughed "No that would be so awkward!

"Ya." Nico said siting next to me

Then Nico kissed me and got atop of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He licked my bottom lip and I moaned gently, Nico chuckled and put his hands down to the side.

I grabbed them and stuck them up my shirt and set them on my boobs.

"Nico!" Bianca yelled.

We both pulled away breathless.

"Nico!!!" Bianca yelled again.

"Yes?" Nico yelled away from my face.

"Time for dinner!" Bianca said.

Nico rolled off of me and we both walked into the bathroom, and fixed each others hair and walked out.

I Love Him & He Loves Me but We're EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now