Chapter 13 - Luck

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"Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck" Orson Welles

Jungkook's body was practically humming with agitation. Every second stretched to a minute. Every minute stretched to an hour.

"Can you not go any faster?" Jungkook growled behind clenched teeth, sending Hobi a look that could cut through diamond.

"I'm literally going ninety Jungkook, any faster and we will get pulled over for certain" Hobi mentioned, although he did press down on his acceleration pedal the tiniest bit harder.

Hobi and Jungkook had tried tracking Taehyung down by scent, but it had led them nowhere. Now they were three hours into trying to find the omega by simply looking, yet, unsurprisingly, had found nothing.

They had decided that their best chance would be to make their way to Jin and Joon's apartment. They knew that as they were both alpha's it wouldn't be surprising if Joon chased them away there and then, but they didn't know what else to do. They were at a loss, and if anything, Taehyung may have a record of Yoongi's address somewhere.

They were just turning up the road to the Kim apartment when Jungkook's phone blared to life.

[Jimin] The phone screen read, displaying the less than flattering picture of Jimin he had saved as the young beta's contact photo. On any other day the photo would have been hilarious, however, Jungkook just felt like crying at the sight of his best friend's face. He wished life were that simple and hilarious right now.

Without wasting another second, he answered the oncoming call hurriedly.

"Where the fuck is Taehyung" He demanded down the line instantly, not even bothering to greet the beta. He loved his friend dearly, but god be damned if Taehyung was not in his arms safe and happy within the next three minutes he would be switching to full alpha mode. He could feel his wolf even now. The feeling of possessiveness and worry lingering within his mind at an unnatural velocity, humming under his skin ready to spring forward.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry, Hobi and Yoongi..." He began his apology but Jungkook snapped him off.

"I know about your fucking plan, Hobi is with me now, what I asked is where the hell Taehyung is" He could practically feel Jimin wincing through the phone at Jungkook's clipped and angered tone. Usually so free and light with the beta. He heard Jimin suck in a breath before answering.

"I left him with Yoongi" Was all he answered for the moment, bracing himself for the alpha's wrath. All Jungkook tried not to do was crush the phone between his fingers at the new information. The idea of the beta alone with Taehyung during his heat sent ripples of jealousy and anger through his bones.

"Where are you guys now?" He heard Jimin ask him. "I came back to the apartment, but you were gone"

"We are looking for Tae" Hobi screamed through the air hoping Jimin would hear since Jungkook was one stubborn alpha and refused to include Hobi in the conversation. In fact, he refused to acknowledge his existence at all unless it was to demand him to speed up.

"Come back to our apartment now, he's at Yoongi's I'll lead you to him" He was about to hang up on the alpha when Jungkook's words stopped him.

"Why are you even back from Busan in the first place?" Jungkook questioned the beta, the question had been bugging him the whole day. It was the reason Taehyung had been stripped from his arms after all.

"Well, Yoongi and I came back cause..." Jungkook heard Jimin suck in a breath at the information he just revealed.

"You were with Yoongi in Busan?" Jungkook gasped into the phone.

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