Chapter 9 - Light

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"There are darknesses in life and there are lights. You are one of the lights. The light of all lights" Bram Stoker.

"What would you like to do today?" Jungkook's voice pulled Taehyung from his spiralling thoughts about everything that had just happened. The more cautious part of Taehyung was telling him to get as far away from Jungkook as possible, as far away as he could from the burn of his touch and the euphoria of his scent, tingling his body and propelling him towards the owner. Yet the other side of him, the more primitive and primal part, was humming with energy, urging him to get closer and closer to the fire that Jungkook had ignited within him, to feel the sensation of what it would be liked to be scorched by it, to let the fire consume him.

"Dude?" Jungkook repeated raising an eyebrow. Taehyung huffed at the alpha's choice of words, face morphing into a scowl that Jungkook couldn't help but find adorable.

"'Dude?'" He questioned the word choice "Really?" His tone holding mock offence.

"What" Jungkook teased Taehyung, faking innocence.

"Jungkook, you literally had your tongue down my throat two seconds ago," He said rolling his eyes as he watched the alpha blush. Huh, interesting, Taehyung thought, making note of the alpha's shy behaviour. He relented his complaining, opting to go back to the topic beforehand, it was a safer territory.

"I have no idea what we can do around here, to be honest," Taehyung shrugged at Jungkook's earlier question, watching as Jungkook's face morphed into confusion at the conversational whiplash the two were partaking in.

"Well..." Jungkook trailed off trying to gather his thoughts, "What did you like to do in Daegu? Maybe there is something similar here?" He inquired.

Taehyung felt a jab in his gut at the question but made sure not to show it. He shrugged his shoulders pretending to be unbothered by the response he was about to give.

"I don't know, never really went out much" He shrugged again. What Jungkook hadn't comprehended was the culture in Daegu. Being an omega made you vulnerable enough. Being a young and unmated omega was basically asking for an alpha to claim you on the spot. Taehyung shuddered at the idea of holding one of those purple marks, the colour almost black, signifying the wound that would never heal, because it was never wanted. No, Taehyung didn't go out on the streets alone, ever. Wouldn't even dream of it in pre-heat, he would be a walking magnet to any alpha in Daegu.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Taehyung's response regarding the omega softly

"Why?" he asked, his tone impossibly gentle. The omega looked uncomfortable then, some of his insecurity dripping though. He wondered if he should reserve this knowledge from Jungkook, not wanting to anger the alpha. However, once more, the undeniable feeling that he could trust the alpha washed through him. The private part of his mind sobbed in mourning at his willingness to comply to Jungkook's questions, what was it with this boy? How was he able, after knowing Taehyung for such a short time, to rip down his carefully constructed defences as if they were made of nothing more than paper. He was an alpha as well; the rank Taehyung had sworn never to trust. He shook his thoughts and answered despite his inner turmoil.

"Just an old habit I guess." He shrugged, explaining his non-existent social life back in Daegu. Jungkook's brow quivered in confusion. Taehyung decided to elaborate. "It's not really well..." he trailed off thinking of the right words. He took a breath "it's not really safe for omegas to go out alone, unmated like me, I mean"

Jungkook's eyes changed from confused and gentle to flaming with anger. Taehyung whimpered slightly at the expression, automatically thinking it was aimed at him. However, as quick as It came Jungkook's anger was gone, replaced by an apologetic look, Taehyung twitched at the urge to submit.

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