Chapter 6 - Acceptance

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"Happiness can exist only in acceptance" George Orwell

Taehyung gripped his suitcase in his hands, palms sweaty. He stared looking up at the apartment complex before him. It wasn't as fancy as Namjoon's and Jin's, but it was definitely still at the upper end of town. Tae felt sick staring at its unassuming glass structure. True, it was only an apartment building. But also one that happened to house none other than Jeon Jungkook. The alpha lived here, slept here. Taehyung shook his head to clear his mind, shaking all thoughts of Jungkook and sleep from his head. He was just tired. Is all he told himself. He had prolonged leaving the Kim's nest so much that it was already dark out when he had set out for the apartment address Jin had given him that morning. It had gotten to the point where it was socially unacceptable to arrive any later then he was.

Sighing one last time at the building that would be his home for the next few days, Taehyung started to enter in defeat, before making his way to the elevator and pressing the button to the eighth floor. Knowing that with each floor he came a few meters closer to Jungkook. Reluctantly Taehyung hauled his body from the safety of the elevator and onto the landing, sulking as he searched for apartment number 404. It wasn't hard to find, one of the first numbers on the corridor. Taehyung was about to knock, to get the whole awful ordeal over with as soon as possible when he felt his mind freeze in shock at the scent that rolled slightly through the door. He inhaled again and felt his whole body tense as his wolf sprung up into attention rapidly.

The smell belonged Jungkook's. it was one he could identify in his sleep. The very one that had clung to him for weeks after his last encounter with it. The one that had haunted his dreams and waking minutes with its infuriatingly intoxicating scent. But more than anything, it was the one that gave a far too painful reminder of the owner. A reminder to Taehyung of who truly lived beyond that door. So close in distance yet still so separated. The idea of that barrier suddenly disappearing between the two equally thrilled and terrified Taehyung. He could shudder at the thought of living around the alpha's scent for days on end.

Taehyung let his hand slide off the knocker. He didn't have to knock. He could just rent accommodation, he thought to himself, even sleeping on the streets seemed better than the alternative of having to remain unaffected by that damn smell all week. Anything seemed better than this at the moment. Taehyung was just making up his mind, the omega turning to retreat, fear of desire once more taking control of his whole being, when he heard the door open and the now untainted smell of the alpha engulf him in steady streams. He whimpered uncontrollably at the domineering scent. Forcing himself, once more, to not become affected by its enticing thickness and the way it danced around his body, almost inviting him to the owner.

"Taehyung" the alpha spoke his name finally. And it was spoken like a prayer, reverent and in awe and Taehyungs wolf squirmed in happiness. Hell, even Taehyung would admit he felt his heart clench. This alpha was too much for him to process, even at the best of times.

Taking in a deep breath to steel himself for what he knew would happen when he turned, he slowly moved his body to face his....the alpha. Taehyung froze at his mind's possessiveness. Reluctantly he let his gaze reach over to the alpha for the second time and he was locked in completely transfixed, like a fly to a blinding light. Jungkook looked far more relaxed than when the omega had last seen him. He wore a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants that hung low on his hips, revealing a golden slither of muscle that was giving Taehyung and his wolf serious concentration issues. Taehyung noticed that the alpha's hair was wet, probably from a shower as Taehyung could tell that his scent was completely untainted by anything else, suggesting that any scent traces of other wolves that he would have picked up on a regular day had been washed away in the shower. Not even Jimin's scent sprung itself out to the omega. However, Taehyung wasn't surprised by this as Jimin was a beta, meaning his scent was ridiculously subtle compared to the alpha before him, and therefore Jungkook's dominant unmated scent was drenched over everything within the apartment. Taehyung fixed his gaze onto Jungkook's shaggy hair, that seemed to be sticking up in spiky tufts all over his head, making him look adorably dishevelled. The one thing the Omega did not want to do was meet the alpha's domineering eyes for fear of submitting like he had the first time. However, the alpha seemed to be actively trying to capture his gaze.

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