Chapter 1 - Desire

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"Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you" William Shakespeare

 Taehyung had always loved being an omega. He had an increased sense of smell and speed; his physical beauty was unparalleled against both alphas and betas, and his intellectual ability was, in his humble opinion, superior when put against his peers. Yes, he always thought, being an omega was amazing except the one fundamental downside to his secondary gender, a downside that could be encapsulated into one word. Prejudice. The word known all too well by omegas everywhere. Pervious to the 20th century, omegas were viewed much more like submissive toys than people. Although Omega activist groups had grown dramatically, and laws and policies had been put in place to stop the discrimination, it was still commonly accepted that omegas, once mated, belonged to their alpha's and thus should behave accordingly. It was, like all prejudices, buried at the heart of the society Taehyung belonged to, so much so, that he would sometimes wish to bury his omega self. Suppress it until the point came where it was physically unhealthy to continue to deny half of himself. Were omegas naturally more submissive than other genders? Yes. Does that mean Taehyung was going to bowl and expose his neck for any alpha who happened to give him attention? Hell fucking no. The thought of submitting to anyone, let alone an alpha, left a fowl taste in his mouth, one that made his wolf howl in distress. It's not that he didn't want an alpha, hell, his wolf practically purred at anyone who even showed him a glimmer of affection, but Taehyung supressed it every damn day of his life and would continue doing so, even if it meant the end of his sanity. It was a constant battle, a war within himself that he concealed from the outside world. It's why he always looked so god damn miserable, at least that's what his beta friend Yoongi would always tell him. Which was saying something considering the moody beta in conversation hadn't looked cheerful since...hell Taehyung couldn't even think of a time when he had seen his hyung smile. Pot calling the kettle black, Taehyung had answered back before having a pillow promptly thrown at his head. He supposed he had deserved it.

But today was an exception, Taehyung thought as he walked along the streets of Daegu on the afternoon of the 30th of December. For the first time in a while he let a smile grace his ethereal features. Today was his 21st Birthday, meaning he would finally be allowed to go on suppressants. The thought made him giddy. No more annoying alphas trying to sniff him out every night, no more people looking down at him, but the most important of all; no more heats. Most omega's his age had already mated, meaning their heats were easily taken care of, however Taehyung had made the active choice to never mate anyone, and he meant it. The only downside to his decision was that his heats had become increasingly unbearable. Previous to hitting 20, he had been constantly lucid during heats. He could carry out everyday tasks easily, even doing a school task or two. However, as his bodies need for a mate increased so did the intensity and strength of his heats. And he hated them. they were just another reminder of how weak everyone told him he was. A reminder of his gender he would rather forget. Yes, Taehyung loved being an Omega, but only if that meant no alphas or betas. Only if he could be free. But Taehyung knew that that was impossible. So off to his clinic he went, a skip in his step as he anticipated the freedom suppressants would grant him.

When Taehyung entered the clinic a warm gulf of air swamped him, and he welcomed it gratefully. A respite from the cold air of December that he believed was honestly sent to ruin his birthday every year. He walked towards the reception area boldly adamant that nothing was going to stop him from getting his hands of those suppressants.

"Hi, my names Kim Taehyung, I'm here for my 2 o'clock appointment?" he spoke with confidence to the less than interested receptionist who looked like she was one stack of paperwork away from a mental breakdown. She looked at Taehyung over her glasses giving him a quick assessment and sniffing the air for his gender. Her face changed immediately to one of annoyance, as she smelt omega, typing his name hastily into the computer.

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