I reached down and scratched the top of the long haired cat's head. He purred and rubbed my hand affectionately. A sad smile crossed my face. Poor guy didn't realise that Ivan was leaving. He won't know why he was left behind this time. As much as he's going to love staying with Hero he's going to be heart broken anyways. I sighed and stood up again. He stayed on the steps of the stairs, looking at me.

The Snow Trio came down the stairs a few minutes latter. The ladies and I whent outside while Ivan stayed in to say good bye to Lampushka. I gave him a sympathetic look before closing the door.

"Do you think big brother will be alright?" Natalia asked me as I helped load their bags in the car. She kept the cat carrier she's using to transport the rabbit in her arms.

"He will be fine. I can help him set up Skype so he can still see his Lampushka. And it will only be for a month. Then the cats and I will see him in Russia for the meeting and for Christmas." I said reassuring them as much as myself. "Just check on him for me, will ya. I know I'd be a mess if I had to be without Hero for a month."

"Do not worry. I will make sure big brother will be okay." Natalia said with a creepy arura. Well, at least it's no longer psycho.

"And so will I." Kat told me with a sweet smile.

"Good." I said nodding my head.

Ivan came out of the house just now with a sad look on his face. I felt my heart twist in sadness. We have both spent years with our cats when we had no one else. To leave Lampushka behind was like leaving behind a piece of his heart. But to see him miserable with out Hero, and vise versa, was a lot worse.

"Hey big guy. Are you ready to go?" I asked him with a small smile.

"Da. I said good bye and made him promise to be good." He smiled back with just a hint of sadness.

"Good." I giggled. "I'll be sure to send you a picture of him every day so you don't have to worry about him" I kissed his cheek.

"We need to go. We are runny ten minutes late." He said looking at his phone while getting in the car.

"Crap." I muttered as I got in the driver's seat. "Nat, is the bunny secured?" I asked looking into the back seat.

"Yes. Snowball is safe." She told confirmed.

"Good. I'm going to have to go a little fast. Can't have you three missing your flight, now can it?" I said with a false cheer.

I kept the smile on my face the whole way to the airport. I would start small talk, made a few jokes, and I turned on the radio to an up beat station. Anything to keep the depressing atmosphere at bay. It worked to some degree, but returned full force the second I pulled into the airport parking lot.

I got out of the car and walked to the trunk.

"Alfred? Are you coming in with us?" Katyusha asked.

"Well, yea. It would be kinda rude of me not to see my guest off." I laughed as I pulled out their bags. "And I have to say goodbye." She smiled as I handed her her bags.

"Since when were you a proper gentleman?" Nat asked with a teasing smile.

"Since always. I was just never given the chance to show anyone." I shrugged. I checked my phone for the time. "Well, lets get you three in there. Your guy's flight leaves soon."

"Will you be alright here without us?" Natalia asked concerned.

"Da, will you? What you have been through this week and what happened with England, are you sure you'll be alright?" Ivan asked me.

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