Chapter 16: Harvey Dent

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Rebecca actually managed to get home earlier than her sister that night – though, with Rachel now dating Harvey that was a slightly more frequent event.

Slightly, because Rebecca had been pulling later nights more often as Sergeant because of the incidents with the Joker, the mob, and trying to squeeze in some time to see Bruce more than once a week.

However, this night she had called off early and – since Bruce apparently had a date planned as 'Bruce Wayne' – she was able to just fully relax at home. Rachel also had a date with Harvey, so Rebecca truly was free to enjoy the whole evening alone for once.

Did it bother her that Bruce still 'dated' other women? Yes. Was she going to kick up a fuss? No. Rebecca knew the small feelings of jealousy and – honestly – irritation wouldn't ever fade; and if they did, she'd frankly be more worried about her relationship with Bruce.

However, Rebecca trusted Bruce so she kept her small, uglier feelings in the corner of her heart where even she could mostly ignore them. It did help that there were rumours going around that notorious playboy Bruce Wayne was becoming rather difficult to extract kisses from.

Rebecca didn't know where some of the women in the police station got the information from – possibly the gossipy cafe ladies around Gotham City, who probably heard it from somewhere else along the grapevine – but the rumours had started growing persistently over the past few months. Nine months, to be exact.

And Rebecca would be lying if she said that didn't help her ego a bit.

Though, she noted as she glanced at a picture of Rachel and Harvey pinned to their fridge, she did feel small pangs when her sister discussed her relationship with Harvey. Not just the same feelings of jealousy that Rachel could date her man so happily and openly, but the stronger feelings of guilt made Rebecca rather nervous around Rachel lately.

The Dawes sisters had always shared things together, having grown up mostly with just the two of them and Bruce. And after their mother had passed away from illness and Bruce had disappeared for years, their bond had only gotten stronger.

So to hide her feelings and relationship with Bruce from Rachel was starting to stress Rebecca out, especially since Rachel was so eager to share news with her sister. And though Rebecca suspected Rachel had already guessed her feelings for Bruce, there was no way Rebecca could explain her relationship with Bruce without explaining Batman.

She could just picture Rachel's face if she had to explain the fact that she was actually dating Bruce despite the fact that he was seen 'dating' every supermodel, actress, and – his latest – prima ballerina that passed through Gotham.

Rebecca winced – actually, even knowing the truth, it sounded really bad. If it weren't for the fact that the Batman was a heavy responsibility to the wearer of the mantle and a symbol of increasing hope, it literally sounded like a bad excuse a playboy would use to keep his naïve mistress around. Never mind that he told her about each date before he went on one.

Rebecca sighed as she laid her head back on the back of her living room couch. Oh well; it was what she'd signed up for when she'd agreed to date Bruce Wayne and Batman. Still, she wondered if there was any way she could tell Rachel the truth without the whole truth.

She didn't think Bruce would really mind telling Rachel about Batman; but the more people there were who knew Batman's identity, the more dangerous it could only get. Not only that, Rebecca was well aware that knowing Batman's identity itself could be potentially dangerous, considering how many enemies he was making. It was what Bruce worried about with her, and what Rebecca worried about for Rachel.

'It's an endless cycle; there just isn't a good answer.' Rebecca groaned as she ruffled her red curls in frustration.

She then jumped as the front door slammed open, and Rebecca looked over – startled – as Rachel strode in, looking incredibly annoyed.

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