NCIS Chapter 12

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Jenny Shepard's POV

I try to convince Gibbs to not let Lily Archer join his team, because I don't think she's capable of do anything. He refused to believe that, because he heard that she help children get education that they need. I refused to approve her.

Gibbs' POV

I'm get really frustrate with Jenny, because she don't realized that we actually do need Lily Archer, because I think she's capable of do anything. If I ask her what to do, she will listen, and do this or that anyway. I give up, try to convince Jenny anyway. As I walk away, and walk toward step of the downstairs, when I find Abby, Ziva, Tony, and Tim learn sign language from Lily Archer, but I knew that Abby know sign language, so she decide to help Tim out, as Lily was help Tony, and Ziva learn some sign language. I have my realize to let her join this team, so she can teach some of my co-workers sign language, and do cases with us for example what if the witness is Deaf, and need someone to communicate with, Lily Archer is perfect person to do this job. I can feeling the relationship between her, I and my team will going great, because we can learn something from her, and she can learn something from us. I walk downstairs toward my team, and tell them "gear up!" in sign language. They know quickly, expect Lily who was confused, and I told her "gear up means get ready for a new case." in sign language. She understands, gear up, and run toward the elevator, and I chuckled.

Lily's POV

I'm in the elevator, along with Gibbs and his team, as we go on the field to check a case out. I told them "I don't mind if I sit in back of the truck." in sign language. They nods, and walk toward the truck, expect Gibbs, because he have car. Tony, Tim, and Ziva is in the front, and I'm in the back of the truck. Ziva is driving, and boys yelled "Nooooo"!!!!!! I don't understand why, but soon as I settle down, Ziva drive way too fast, and that cause me to fall down, and try to held on. In my mind, I was like "oh my gosh, now I understand how boys feel"!!!! As the truck come to stop, I was like "wow, now I am happy that I survives"!!! Tony open the door, and he don't realized that I was in the back of the truck. He told me "are you ok, are you not hurt?" in sign language. I told him "I'm good, but can you warning me next time?" in sign language. He nods, as he, Tim, and Ziva collect their stuffs. I collect sketchbook, and pencil. I get out of the truck, and Ziva walk toward me, and she say "I'm sorry for been driving too fast." in sign language. I told her "that's fine." in sign language.

Gibbs' POV

I walk toward Ducky, and ask him "what is your opinion on Lily Archer"? He told me that he think that she's good match for your team. I told him "let get on with this case"? He told me that this man died of burtal cause, so that's means murder. He also told me that he will let me know after surgery on him. Tony, Tim, Ziva, and Lily walk toward me. I told them "Tony, protect the area", "Tim, photograph", "Lily, sketchbook." "Ziva, interview the witness". They all say "yeah boss." in sign language. I chuckle, as they do their own things. After that, we go back to NCIS Building, I question the suspects.

Lily's POV

I get on my computer to check and see who this man is, now that he's dead. I'm cross examine and figure who this dead man is, and I find a name, and go to board, and press button to show Tim, Tony, and Ziva this man's name. I told them "this man's name was Petty Officer Ben Stone, single, have girlfriend, Luna Stryker." in sign language. As we work through the day, and now it's night. We don't figure out who the killer is. Gibbs send us home, but I decide to stay behind, go to gym, and do my things. Before they left, Ziva told me "do you need place to stay, I can invite you to mine?" in sign language. I told her "no, thanks, but maybe next time, yeah?" in sign language. She nods, and left. I go upstairs to the gym to do my things. As I come across punching bag, and I put wrapping things around my hands, to make sure that my hands don't get hurt. As I walk toward it, I punch it, use my left hand, because of my right shoulder's in pain. As I keep punch it, and it trigger a memory of mine.

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