One of her favorite nicknames for him was even Hiss-ter Meow.

Why did she have to be gone?

He brought them their toasted bagels as well as butter just in case they wanted to butter them. Placing their plates in front of them both, he sighed a little.

"Thank you," they both told Felix, to which he offered a smile.

He was glad they had each other, and would be able to safely continue their life with one another free of worries. At least nobody was stuck in the void, and ever would be in this generation of superheroes.

Marinette was out of the void, and Adrien was already safe.

"Hello, my Adrien! Good morning, Marinette!" Mrs. Agreste had greeted the teenagers once she stepped into the dining room. She set down the car keys, also greeting Felix, "Morning, Felix!"

"Good morning, Mrs. Agreste!"

"Hi Mom!"

"Morning, Emilie. Would you like a bagel?" Felix offered a plate.

"Oh, no thank you, but thank you for thinking of me," Emilie replied, a sad smile turning up on her face.

Once Marinette and Adrien finished off their breakfasts, they left to walk to school. She felt a hand gently slip into hers, and she turned to look up into his green eyes and bright smile. It was the same smile she recognized when he was in his free form as Chat Noir, the one in which he let himself loosely turn into the biggest goofball she'd ever met. She was so happy and content being back with her kitty, and now couldn't help but love the fact that she was back to being the girl she truly was, with and without a mask on her face. It felt perfect with everything back in order.

But... maybe they could try something.

"Hey Tikki, would you mind if I used Ladybug to get to school?" Marinette asked her kwami with a sweet smile, and a chocolate chip cookie in her purse.

"I'd usually say no, but I don't see any reason to save up your transformations for. Go on ahead, Marinette!" Tikki took the cookie thankfully, chowing down on it swiftly.

"Plagg, would you mind?" Adrien glanced down at his glaring kwami.

Marinette held Tikki in her hands as the two giggled at their interaction. It was so real, and Plagg released the truest of his personality to Adrien, that resulted with which he accepted with love and kindness.

"Do I get cheese after this? I better have the biggest wheel of Camembert we got after this," Plagg grumbled, to which Adrien chuckled and nodded.

"Plagg, claws out!"

"Tikki, spots on!"

Marinette transformed alongside Adrien, watching as her crush, boyfriend, and best friend turned into the boy she trusted with her life, one and the same.

The red suit wrapped itself around her small frame snugly and with ease. It enveloped her with a rush of excitement and optimism to start the day with. The warmth she'd usually felt when it transformed her had never left while she was a civilian, meaning it carried her energy. It carried both Ladybug and Marinette, but in a combination that swirled what made up either girl into a comforting balance.

Using her yo-yo as Chat Noir used his staff, the two made their way to school with excitement. They didn't take the usual route, as it would've been too quick, but instead used their patrol one to tour the city for a little before they'd have to settle down for the school day. For now, they rested on the Eiffel Tower to watch the beautiful morning.

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