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My name is Harper and I'm nothing else but human. I've grown up in the night, along with the vampires, wolves and all the other nightly creatures that lived in this world. I have been fighting the night creatures since I turned 15. It's hard to live with the night when half of them want nothing but your blood. Especially vampires, they'll fight you until your falling to your death, just for the fresh taste of blood and it's a little disgusting. I was introduced to the night when I was just a little girl. I was 3 at the time, just barely walking. My family was pureblood humans, just setting a camp up in the woods. It was a nice, sunny day and no clouds in sight. The sun was a bright orange, that shined in the blue background and white puffy clouds drifted across the sky, being pushed softly by the wind. The sun was shining on the trees, giving them a greenish gold color, which hurt a bit on the eyes. The tent was set up with all the luggage inside. A little fire was burning on the logs, that my dad just cut up from the nearest pine tree. We put some logs out to make benches, which we used to sit and warm up by the fire. I loved being in the woods. I like the way the pine trees smell in the air when they were fresh. If you brought them in the fire, they made the fire spread the scent of pine, which gave new sent into the air. The sent made it more enjoyable and got my attention a bit. I smelt the fresh pine as I played around with a butterfly. I turned towards the fire as I went to grab it, but my dad got me first. "Woah there, Harper. Don't touch that sweetie" he said, as he picked me up in his arms. "But it's pretty, daddy," I said, as my dad chuckled. "I know that it is. But it'll hurt you" he said, as he sat on a log and put me on his lap. "Hurt me?" I asked, my voice squeaking in confusion. "Yeah, hurt. Then we can't camp anymore" he said, as he cracked a smile. "I don't want it to end," I said, as I started to cry. "It's ok baby. Just don't touch it. Let daddy take care of it" he said, as I smiled. "Ok daddy," I said, followed by a little laugh.

My mom walked out of the truck with an iron pot in her hands. "Watch Harper. I'm going to get some water" she said, as she carried her pot and turned to the woods. When she left for the woods, a neigh of a horse flew into the air, as a man on a horse jumped in front of her. She screamed as a few more came into the area and surrounded us. My dad pulled me towards him as I screamed in fear. There were about five beings in this tribe, but they weren't humans. They each had pale skin and inhuman eyes. The horses were huge, black stallions that sat under each being. "Daddy," I said in a panic as I cuddled into him. My dad picked me up as he held me close to him, darting glares at the newbies. Finally, another stallion walked into view, with a man that looked powerful. He had long, purple hair that was tied behind him. He had little peaks of teeth that hung from his mouth. My dad held me close to him, as he looked at the man. He ended up hiding my face to make sure that I didn't see what was going on. I was too scared to look anyway, so I just cried in my dad's shoulder. My dad handed me to my mom as he looked at the being. I heard a horse walk up closer to us as a man spoke. "Give me the girl," he said in a powerful tone, which sent fear in my mom. I could tell by the way she was shaking. She was having a hard time keeping me in her arms. She started to walk out of the circle of horses in fear.

"I'm not letting you touch my wife or daughter" my dad's voice yelled in the night. The air was silent, as metal clinked together in the wind. Finally, all I heard was my mom gasp, then dead air. My mom continued to back up, as she buried my face in her shoulder. My mom turned around and ran as fast as she could into the woods, not looking behind her at all. Her breath was deep as she ran, jumping over rocks and sticks. She held onto me as tightly as she could. I looked over her shoulder, seeing the camp and the beings disappear as we left. "Daddy," I said as I started to cry. My mom at the moment didn't pay any attention to me, seeing how she was still running for her life. She almost tripped as we went down a steep hill, seeing a horse appear at the top. The man stopped the horse, as he turned right and continued to ride. My mom ran with all her might, her breathing kept getting heavier in the night. She started talking to me as I held onto her neck, telling me things like "It's going to be ok" and "we'll make it out." She stopped running as she looked around, then started again. I noticed that she ran into a cave, with dark, pointy rocks all over the place. She set me down in a sitting position as she spoke. "Ok, Harper. Mommy is going to be right back. You stay here and hide until I return. Ok?" she asked as I looked at her. "Why mommy?" I asked as she spoke. "Mommy has to go now," she said, as she took off her sweatshirt and wrapped me up in it. She gave me a kiss on the head, as she spoke. "I love you, sweetie," she said, as she ran out of the cave. I did as my mom said and kept in the cave, listening to the horse run towards the mouth of the cave. "NO!" my mom screamed, then the air went dead. Scared to move, I just stayed in my spot, not saying a word.

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