Chapter 9 - Coffee

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Lilly's POV

He wheeled me all the way back to my bed so i could rest And he managed to get me back quite quickly which was good.

He seemed like such a nice guy. He's curtainly doing a good job for first impressions.

We finally got back to my bed where Caspar was sitting next to Gaby "Thanks, that was kind of you." "No problem!" he responded. Despite the fact we didn't talk much i enjoyed the thoughts that he gave me. I gave him a friendly smile.

"Do you want anything? im heading over to get a coffee." i imediately  thought: ewww i hate coffee. "No thankyou, im alright for the minute"

He wandered of to find the nearest Coffee machine i guess or to go to the cafe.

Joe's POV

It was awfully quiet on our way back to her bed, did she just find it akaward? I would if someone I barely knew came up and took control of my wheel chair. Maybe it wasn't the best idea but I thought she might like to see someone she recognised.

Caspar and Gaby where still going on talking and cuddling. If I had a girlfriend who always was attached to me it would make me irratated. Anouther reason I don't have a partner.

I was completely zoned out but, I woke when I heard Lilly speak. "Thanks, that was very kind of you." Honestly it was nothing but it was good to hear she had manners. "No problem!" i responded.

I think today had got to me, I felt so increibly tired I could fall to the floor and happily have a nap. I needed a coffee like mad. reaching into my pocket i pulled out £3.30 hoping I had enough for 1 coffee. Lilly also looked as drained as me so i felt i sould offer her something even though i didn't have the money. "Do you want anything? im heading over to get a coffee." I hoped she said no, luckily she did. "No thankyou, imalrigt for the minute." i know i sounds rude to ask but if she wanted one, she could have mine.

I wondered of in confidence, although I shouldn't since I had no idea where I going.

I couldn't find the cafe so I just used the coffee machine that was pushed to the side of a wide hallway. I was so relieved that I had enough to get what I needed. I got more and more inpatient as I clicked all the buttons. £2.95 Not to bad. I do love a good coffee though so it was worth every penny.

I grabbed my coffee and let a smile crawl up my face. holding it with two hand I took a sip. "Oww oww " I had totaly forgot it was freshly made. Now holding my cup in one hand, I fanned my tounge while it was drooped over my bottom lip. What a stupid thing to do, people must of thought I was an idiot.

On the way back to the waiting room, I saw Alfie looking down at his phone as he passed me in the hallway. Picking up my speed, I attempted to catch up to him.

Putting my hand on one of his shouders, I spoke his name. "Alfie! where have you been man?" In shock he looked up and jumped. "Just outside, I wanted some fresh air." That was understandable, he still looked burned out, I think we had alot to take in all at once and the day seemed to go so slow. "You alright? heard any news?" Zoe had been in there for a few hours, did it really take this long? " Nope not at all, you?"

"No, nothing." We both where clue less about Zoe.

Together we stood there in silence, a worried, akaward silence. I attempted to finally take a sip of my coffee and realeased a quiet 'Oooooo'

I realised that I hadn't seen Marcus for a while, was he with Niomi? " Have you seen Marcus or Niomi?" To my suprise, he looked  up with shock in his eyes. "No actually, I haven't... I better text him."

LIlly POV:

Bored, bored, bored. There was nothing to do. Caspar and Gaby where so absored to one and other.

I would talk to them but I would just make it akaward and result in me once again lieing here but now with an akaward feeling. What else could I do? I know, I had a magazine in my bag!

But, that was no where around. So that idea was thrown out the window.

What else could I do? i didn't have my phone, I think I lost it in the crash.

To my luck, A nurse walked by, maybe I could ask her for magazines?

"Sorry, excuse me Nurse..." She twisted her head towards me and scuttled over. "Is it possible I could get some magazines?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Any certain genre?"

Oooo, I had an option. I didn't tend to be the type to read magazines but thats all I can do at the moment.

To be honest, I didn't know what to pick...

"Anything will do please, I don't really mind..."

" Okay, I won't be too long, do you need anything else?"

"No thankyou."

Click, click,click. That noise was familiar, Only 1 persons shoes sound like that...

"Oh my goodness, guys are you okay? " Marcus! im so glad that he's here, I could do with some company.

"Mar.." Sounding like a frog I began to say his name but cleared my throat so he could understand me. "Marcus, yeah we are doing alright, just a bit bored."


"Well atleast I  am anyways..."

"Hows your war wounds?" anything serious?"

"Im not to bad, stitches in my head and 2 broken bones."

"Ouch, Pretty bashed in then."

"Well, yeah. "

He began to talk to Caspar and Gaby, Asking the same questions.

Bing! Someones phone.. Marcus whipped his phone out. His eyes widened, his jaw dropped. "OH MY GOSH, I.. I HAVE TO GO.. SHES OKAY."

She? Niomi? Zoe?


OMG, we got to 1k on this book and 50 votes. THANKYOU SO SO SO SO MUCH. im so greatful for this! i hope you are all enjoying it.

How do you see lilly? please tell me how YOU see her. it would be interesting to know.

BTW: i have ideas for a new book actually, many ideas.

what would you prefer to read?

1) About a gamer girl love story

2) A gamer girl - set in the future where she plays conpetitions

3) or a Summer book about 2 girls and 6 weeks of summer. basically what they get up to.

leave me a comment on what you want to hear next.

 Pixie xoxo -

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