5.2 | Crimes of Conscience

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All my nightmares are being realised

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All my nightmares are being realised.

I had been eager to visit the Winter Realm. Being the Realm of my Clan, being there rejuvenated my spirit. Besides, after Nedrag, it was supposed to be my home — the land of eternal winter.

But reality had different plans.

The rebels had rushed us as we were making our way into the Winter Realm capital, in such large numbers that my Queensguard only barely got me out.

Before they did though, one old, frail looking pixy male managed to reach me. He caught my arm to latch onto me, while in the other he held a sharp shard. For one moment, I was sure I was done for. But he only looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "We don't deserve to be puppets just because you won't speak, Puppet Queen. The madness you have allowed is unspeakable. Unthinkable. I'd rather die than be another of your thoughtless victim."

Before I could comprehend what he meant, he raised his shard and almost plunged it ... not towards me, but into his upper chest where pixy-hearts were located. I screamed even as I realised he wasn't attacking me — and then my Second reached me flying and kicked the pixy unconscious. The shard only piercing it's tip and wounding the skin, and then laying on the airway next to him.

"Your Majesty?" Frost cried, but I couldn't take my eyes off the pixy that was now lying unconscious on the airway. He could not be dead.

I reached out to feel his breathe but a flurry of arms grabbed me, checking me for injuries.

"Violet!" It was Beige. She shook me and forced my gaze to land on her face. "Violet, we have to get out of here. Lady Olive has called everyone Downside to the last campsite and I am going to take you there. Okay?"

I must have nodded because Frost and Beige were flying on my either side and leading me off the airway.

On the way Downside, the rest of my Queensguard flew around checking for any creature lurking around, while my mind insisted on playing the images of the disaster raging above in a loop. Winged and wingless all being pushed back by their own leaders. Then, trampled by their own kin - all because I wasn't doing my job properly.

The camp was quite at dinner time. Too many feys had been lost on both sides. Everyone ate silently, talking in soft murmurs if they had to, and all retired to their individual tents as soon as they could. It felt like we were stationed on a brink of a war.

No. Enough was enough. Starting right now, I am going to stop running away and do what has to be done. I need to talk to Mother, tell her I am ready to step up.

As Mother retreated from the feys she had been conversing with, I followed and caught up with her halfway on her way to the royal tents.

"Mother," I called out. "I need a moment with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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