Best Phone Call Ever

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"I'm sorry" he said finally in a small voice when he realized there was pin drop silence from the other side.

"God Kong are you trying to make me break my promise to stay away from each other till your studies are complete ?" Arthit growled savagely.

"I'm sorry, I know it was stupid ! Don't be angry, I'm so sorry, and you promised not to be mad !"

" What? I'm not angry at you !"

"You sound furious!"

"Kong . Shut up. Just listening to what you did made me hard"

Arthit ground out the words, as he rubbed a hand against the straining material of his jeans.

"P... P'Arth... what…shit " The words ran through his body like an electric current, he could feel his arousal getting stronger. He shifted to overcome the sensation of his cock stirring as blood rushed to his groin.

" …I want nothing more than to run all the way to China and to your bedroom and take you this very minute and I can't !" Arthit snarled into the phone, banging his fist against the wall of his room.

"Take…" Kong was left speechless, the image of the act branding itself in his mind. He could feel himself getting impossibly harder each second; the seniore's words were making him reel.

"Do you have any idea of the amount of control I'm exercising not to break this phone in my hand ! I'm not angry at you ! I just-" Arthit blew out a frustrated breath, the next words were spoken desperately "I want you more than I have wanted you at any moment since  this physical distance was put between us  !"

"P... P'Arthit you're-" Kong's head landed with a thud against the wall " killing me"

It was insane how aroused he was at this moment, the words, the intent in his lover's voice were like a drug and he was left drowning against the wave of hunger that was overtaking every cell in his body. Arthit continued without paying any heed to his words.

"For you to do that makes me crave you so fiercely I can't think straight! My fingers are itching to touch you ! I want rip off your clothes and run my mouth all over your flesh ! I want to mark you with bites in so many places that no one, no one will ever have a sliver of doubt that you're taken ! And I hate that I can't"

"You can't say stuff to me like that… I want you so bad right now…"

Kong's voice was a strangled whisper; he couldn't fight against the onslaught of the want rolling through him at Arthit's words. There was no way he could win this battle.

"Kong …I…I have no control left when it comes to you"

"You have no control? You're making me crazy here; I can't…P'. your voice, shit-"

"I'm right here love, tell me what you need" Arthit's voice was so tender.

"I need you here to kiss me, I want to act out all the fantasies that have been haunting me every second I've been away from you, I can't sleep coz all I dream is you !I don't taste food anymore no matter what it is ! and more than anything now after everything you said I have a not so little problem I need to take care of ! And you're not here to help !"

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