A crap , is a fact !

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I don't know,
If I read about it,
Or , it was on,
T.v , I heard .
Scientists, have discovered,
A unique substance,
in a turd!
They did , some tests .
Finding out when,
They were, through .
That your intelligence can ,
be increased,
If you smell ,
a lot of, Poo!
The longer ,
you are exposed ,
And the stinkier,
It is ,
can somehow ,
Transform your brain into,
A Mega wiz!
If you were subjected to,
Several years ,
Of stinking , poo.
Researchers say,
there is no Doubt,
You'll have a ,
High IQ!
So , the dozen years ,
I spent with my ex.
Weren't such A waste,
of time .
In fact ,
I now have an,
like that of,
And myself ,
Have now proven ,
This is fact ,
"that YOU WILL become ,
A genius,
if you live long enough,
With , Crap!"

"MADE YOU LOOK! YOU DIRTY CHOOK!" By dkmdundas WARNING!!18+ offensive language! Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя