The woman ,With the lopsided arse! 18+

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Here's a little ,
That , might make you laugh!
Bout, a woman I knew ,
Who had ,
a lopsided arse!
With one side,
That bulged,
And the other,
As flat as,
A tack?
She looked quite a sight,
When viewed
From the back!
She couldn't lay,
In bed!
Or sit,
on anything
that's round.
She was even,
When she,
walked around!

Because her arse
was lopsided,
It made,
it hard ,
to sit !
So, she had a big problem,
When she went ,
for a shit!
she had a piss,
Or, a crap.
She'd end up,
with the lot ,
Halfway up ,
Her back !

she went to the doctors,
the doctor said,
" we can transplant your arse,
attach, it to your head!"
" then,
once all
the surgery is done,
You won't have to worry about,
your lopsided bum!"

there was one problem
With the surgery,
a success .
Her face ,
was so huge ,that ,
She couldn't even,
her bludging arse,
Was now,
attached to her cheek!
She. Couldn't hold her
head up !
Cause her neck,
Was too weak!
So she attached string,
to her ears,
And, she tied it round,
Her waist !
To hold up
her head,
And, Her lopsided face !
she looked weird ,
She was happy ,
At last,
As she's no longer ,
Called the women ,
With the ,
lopsided arse!

"MADE YOU LOOK! YOU DIRTY CHOOK!" By dkmdundas WARNING!!18+ offensive language! Where stories live. Discover now