Miss twittys kitty !

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Essentric Miss Twitty,
Had a pussy,
She called ,"kitty",
Who she loved ,
To pet  , a lot.
She hugged ,
her pussy ,
When she was cold ,
And stroke her ,
when too hot .
She'd take pussy out,
In the garden ,
And let pussy ,
Baske , in the sun.
Sometimes pussy ,
Would get wet,
with sweat,
As she rolled ,
played and, run.
Then pussy then ,
Out  stretch her legs,
As she sleepily lay down,
After finding ,
a nice cool place ,
on the grass,
or on the ground .
Once ,
Miss Twitty ,
disregarded her kitty .
And, left her out ,
To roam .
Miss Twitty ,
Left to worry ,
For nights ,
when her pussy ,
Didn't  come, home.
Miss Twitty ,
You bet,
was so upset.
And, in herself ,
Just didn't feel, right !
Her lesson learned,
Once pussy , returned .
Was forbidden ,
To go out , at night .
So pussy,
Was scrubbed ,
And then,
gently rubbed.
Until , once again she,
Looked pristeen,
Then,in her pity,
She vowed to her kitty,
To always,
keep her loved
and , clean .

Pussy  purred,
As she , jumped up ,
On to her , lap.
Miss Twitty smiled,
As she pet , her cat .
Oh! Dear!
What a disgusting mind,
You have!
If  you thought ,
It was more ,
than that !! ?

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