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You may be thinking "what kinda sick shit is going on here?" Truth is, this is sick. But that's the harsh reality that we fail to see all the time. That is what is going on in these young fragile minds at such a tender age. You can already guess how the rest of this story is gonna go but then again you can't, I'm the writer here.

No one is truly crazy. If that is the case, then we are all crazy then. The things that might make you seem like you're crazy are the things that make you sane. It may be unbelievable but it's true. You may feel at times like you are loosing your marbles but you are quite fine. Suicide has always been thought to be the "solution" to this epidemic but they don't really see both sides of the story. "Where do I go from there?" "What is going on in my head?" "When will I die?" "I should die right now"  Vaughn drowns in impure thoughts and dreams every night but she's not crazy. She knows she's not crazy. Or is she?

One night she dreamed she was falling. Just falling through the depths of nowhere. She was crying blood through her veins and screaming terror from her eyes. Then she began choking. Someone was holding her throat but there was no one there. She gagged for air but there was no one there. She was holding on ever so tightly to life but her grip was getting loose. Her insides and organs churned in pain. That's when she saw the people of the world walking past, no one was willing to help her. They were just watching her die. It was a series of dreams where she endured a never ending painful death. She was being tormented and tortured over and over and over again. But they just watched. At one point they looked away, as if they forgot she was even there. "Look at me!" she screamed and pleaded. They just began laughing. She took a needle and sewed her soul shut, she stood for hours watching herself bleed out the pain. There was a never ending river and the tunnel and no light.

Panting, pulse fading, eyes wide open, she was there. She had arrived and he was waiting for her. He was preparing for her. He had been waiting for this moment her whole life and it's finally here. He had a plan, a huge plan. She was in the dark though. Her eyes were wide open but she was in the dark. The eminent sun was within her but she was in the dark. He enlightened her on the situation but it was still dark. Lights flashing, pulse fading, heart thumping, it was dark. Her hair was lit but it was dark. She was going to a place of light but she was in the dark.

He was in a slumber, a deep, deep slumber indeed. He was being dunked over and over again. The liquid, now black from over exposure, seeped in his mind. He was in a tub, not exactly a tub but a pool. Swirling  at 350 mph, counterclockwise but clockwise, upward but downward, somewhere but no where. He knew where he was but nothing seemed the same. There was more oxygen in his body than he would ever need, he was consistently gasping for nitrogen, hoping that he'd just die. Hoping that it will all end. But he's also wishing that it would never end because he was enjoying the pain.

He sinned once, from that point onward, he knew there was no turning back. The fact remained that he isn't entirely evil, the devil knows that. That doesn't matter though, especially when the bad has more power over him than the good. Marshall fell, and he fell hard. Where was he? Is he going to die? Is this the end for him? Will he ever come back?

Not a single soul would care if he came back or if he died. They would actually welcome him in his dying days. He was falling while standing up. Dying while still alive. He was going to a place he does not know. Marshall was lost and there was nothing anyone could do for him at this point.

He was gasping for nitrogen because the oxygen was too much for his lungs. He was seeing a dark liquid float around him. He could smell the stench of the blood he was drowning in. The more he fought, the more he sank. He tried to scream but the sound was taken from his vocals.  He fought and he fought and he screamed and he kicked. There was no escaping his death and he knew it. He tried as hard as he could but there was no turning back. His mind was racing and his thoughts were pounding his brain. He was sweating and he was lost.

The rhythmic movement of the pool caught his heart and his eyes flashed open. He was conscious but the black blood was clouding his airways. His gut wrenched in fury because he had no way out and he did not know where he was. He was lost and no one was around, but if they were, would they help him? Would they care?

He sank more and more into misery. The more he fought the more he sank.

He thrashed in the pool of blood. The more he fought, the weaker he got. There was no way to stay alive. He sank deeper and deeper. There was no end to this pool. His pulse faded and he finally gave up fighting. He gave up breathing. Marshall knew in his heart that no one would dare help him, they all think he's Lucifer in the flesh. Marshall was dying. He was dying inside.

As his soul leaves his body, he thinks about those whom have crossed him. All those who have made his life a living torment. "Fuck all of you," he thinks, "you cant escape your death. You will pay the price for betraying me and the nature of man. Judgment isn't far off. I will have my time. It's your time to die." Sinking deeper and deeper to his inevitable doom, he decided that he will not die, not now. He has to show them that he's not what they say. He had to see something for himself. He gasped for air one last time. It was on that final effort for survival a hand held him.

He came for him.

The pool was glistening but he was in the dark. He had eyes of light but it was dark. His hand was glowing green in the blood, but it was dark. He was out of breath, it was dark. He was tired of fighting, especially fighting for his life. He came for him with a lamp but all he saw was darkness. The sun was beaming inside of him but it was dark. He was found but he was still lost. His savior came for him in the dark. He knew who he was but he didn't know why he came for him. This was not the time for him to go... yet.

Neon lights flashing, energy fading, and soul searching, he saw it was dark. He showed him the way, but Marshall saw nothing. He was going to a place of light, but Marshall was in the dark.

"Sell your soul" -Hollywood Undead

Two Demons in the dark (completed)Where stories live. Discover now