Demons Apart

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He's always there. He's everywhere. His face, his voice, everything. There was nothing about him that seemed imperfect. When Vaughn was around Marshall she felt so alive. She hoped every where she went that she could get a glance of him. He didn't want to be found by her. She wanted to know how he was but they broke up for a reason. She was stronger than that. He wasn't going to get the best of her.

They tried to run from what they had. Every kiss, every breath, every touch and every emotion felt like the last. They were so close, he could hear her breathing. He looked around his room in panic, she wasn't there. He opened the door to his closet and searched it for an hour. He couldn't find what he was looking for. Frustrated, he sat on the bed defeated. He heard her heart beat, he heard her call his name. Sweat rushed from his forehead as he thinks about his next move. She gave him more than he could ever ask for, everything he could ever need was found in her eyes. He took the wrong road, and made the wrong moves. He made sad little mistakes and lost her. He knew that if he wanted her back there was a chance he'd have her again. He also knew that she would never be the same again; they would never be the same again.

Vaughn was always in his head, on his bed and beside him holding his hand. She was suffocating him and he needed to breathe. He felt that it was the end, he knew that they were over and done with but she was ever everywhere. What was she thinking? He wondered. She gave her soul to him, she would never let him go. As he burned, he saw her reach out for him.

She felt she made a mistake, the wounds he left on her heart and arm were un-mendable. She wanted to get rid of him, he just wouldn't leave. He took her breath away, her cries became deep desperate gasps for air. Vaughn wanted his image to fade away from her mind. She learned so much from him, she couldn't resist. She lost her life ins search of happiness, she had nothing left to lose. He would be the death of her somehow. If Marshall knocked on her door right now and apologized right now, she would take him back with no hesitation. She would love him and trust him like never before.

They were supplementary souls of each other. They can't run away from it no matter how hard they tried. Marshall was intoxicated by the smell of her hair, her voice and her beauty. Vaughn reminisced on his smile, his eyes and his existence. Once they lost each other, they had nothing left.

Marshall turned the TV on in hopes to get her out of his head. The romantic movies did not make this any better. He watched every memory they has turn into static. Naked, he grabbed a Sharpie and wondered into the snow

"You vulture!" He screamed at the skies "god, if you're real, help me." He cried out. Tears rolled down his cheeks and the frost on his feet turned into black ice. He fell hard, the same WY he fell in love with Vaughn. The snow against his bare skin was consolation to his burning heart. As the voices scream that she was everything, his mind yelled that she was nothing. "She's everything!" He screamed at himself. He was breaking, not only barriers, but he was breaking her heart.

He melted away along with the ice in his eyes. He whispered to himself lies that he wanted to believe. Marshall did not feel a hint of cold, he embraced it.

There was a possibility that he was going to die, and without Vaughn in his life, he welcomed death. He used the marker in his hand to write her name across his chest. He wanted to be the hero that would save her. Eventually. Instead, he was the villain that broke her to pieces.

Vaughn rushed for her keys, she wanted to take a long drive on a short cliff. She tried to bury him deep in a box of empty dreams and lonely desires. Somehow, he had the key and got put from the inside. She found a way to say it was over without crying. She could not find the strength to move on. The butterflies thar appeared in her stomach when she heard his name became bats and vampires feeding off her blood.

"Lie to me, watch me bleed ... you don't need to run." She sang along to Red on the radio. Even though it was cold and snowing, she opened all the windows in the car. As she was driving, she heard a scream. She parked and wondered over to the frost bitten male laying face down and naked in the snow. She placed her coat around him and turned him over. The first thing she noticed was her name written across his chest, his face was that of her nightmares and that of her dreams.

She thought she was going crazy. The cold froze her tears. She struggled to pull him in the car. Heat blasting, tears steamed down her cheeks. Her heart raced as she rushed with him in the back to the hospital.

"We'll do everything we can, in the mean time please fill these out to the best of your ability. The doctors will keep you updated."

"Sure." She sat there and answered every question she could about him. At least what she could remember. The only thing she could not answer was the questions in her head. Why had he done that? Why was her name on his chest?

"Hi, I'm doctor Bryan." Her thoughts were interrupted by the British doctor. "And you are?" He asked.

"Vaughn," she shook his hand. "Vaughn Huâge. Marshall's girlfriend. Well, ex."

"Wait. So that was your name in his chest?"

"I guess. Is he okay?" Vaughn folded her hands, if there was bad news she did not want to punch the doctor. She loved Marshall more than anything, she also didn't want to be the cause if his hurt.

"He's being stabilized. Nothing really major. We just want to know how long was he out there and why was he naked. Was he asking to die?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know the answer to any of those questions. May I see him now?"

"Absolutely. If he wakes up, call me or better yet press the button beside his bed." The tanned man walked away knowing the girl had more information but he was no cop and it was not his job to investigate what happen to his patients.

She came undone in the room where his unconscious body laid. She sat by the bed and held his cold hand to her breasts. That was the last place his hands touched before they parted at the prom.

"Remember our first kiss?" She whispered the memory to him. She knew he remembered.

"When I saw your face, I knew I was yours. I found everything I lost in your eyes. You made me whole... You took the loneliness and made sense of who I was." Vaughn looked at him and caressed his face. She missed him so much.Being without him was a never ending cycle of deaths. She tried so hard to be strong on her own, but he was the pill that her drug immune system yearned for.

Marshall opened his eyes to the tears and the sobs of his beauty queen. He knew that he was going to hurt her, but he didn't know it was this soon.

He used every strength in his body to tell her he loved her. Those words did not exactly come out of his mouth but he managed to say a few words.

"I came to you in pieces, without you, I'm shattered yet again to pieces. I tried Vaughn. I tried to do it on my own. I can't. Not without you."

As she lifted her head to the sound of his voice, she pressed the button for the doctor. She then whispered in his ear before they came, "you can't. We can't. I need you."

The doctor checked him out and gave him some IV's to keep his blood pressure steady. He left the room almost as quickly as he entered it. He knew that whatever was happening here was important.

Their lips met and their hearts mended. The small pieces of broken glass found their way to the parts of the picture they belonged to. However, the world was broken again. They didn't mind it because they like it that way. It was perfect that way.

There they were, feeling each others thoughts and hearing each others heartbeats. They wanted to stay alive frozen in that moment forever. Marshall never wanted things to fall apart the way they did. He knew he had hurt her and he never wanted it to happen again. She was the world he wanted to live in. He was the Nitrogen she wanted to breathe in every single second of her life. Forever may not be a thing but she found eternity in his eyes. This is the moment she could actually admit she was in love with Marshall. In that moment forever was real. Forever dragged them down, the faceless enemy was no more. The agony and pain released their souls into the forbidden land of the unknown.

Already over -Red

Two Demons in the dark (completed)Where stories live. Discover now