Enjoy the Ride

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Authors note: This is the part that is rated R. Very explicit scenes in this chapter. I thought that since Vaughn and Marshall have been through a lot so far, the should have this experience together especially when life is getting better.

The best things in life don't usually come easily. They are made and earned by hard work and patience. Vaughn and Marshall worked on their devotion to each other more than anything else in their life.

Everyday in school they would be spotted in the hallway rigorously kissing. He'd grab her waist and pull her against the locker. He would aggressively slam her against the wall and bite her lip. He would bite her neck as a lovely reminder that she was his. She would grab a handful of his hair and plunge her teeth into his neck. He loved that. And she loved to do it. Every time they kissed: it was magical.

Vaughn was helping Marshall study for his final exam as a senior. The exam was mainly difficult because of the math section in which Vaughn was an expert. Vaughn was frustrated that Marshall could not understand most of the material so they took a brief break.

Knowing what turns him on and his tactics of learning, Vaughn looked at him sideways and jumped on his lap.

"I have an idea. How about we play a math game?"

"UGH! Math and games do not go together."

"You'll like this one. C'mon." She grabbed the books and his notes and reviewed the information.

"You will be rewarded for each right answer."

"What kind of reward?"

"Just one you want to work for."

"Alright. Try it." She gave him a simple calculus equation and he got it right.

"Now, my reward." His eyes peered eagerly as she grabbed the fringe of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her blue and white bra with little fringes on them were bare to Marshall's already widened eyes.

"Oh my holy lord. Let's get to this math now shall we?" He joked.

Vaughn was surprised that the dumbfounded man was now an Einstein right in front of her eyes. He was getting just about every question correct. By the end of the game, Vaughn was wearing just her laced blue thongs that she picked put for the occasion.

He looked into her eyes and on her body. God, how much he loved this girl. He loved her face above all. It was all he saw when he closed his eyes and when he wakes up. He loves her more than everything in this world. He stayed with her for almost three years despite their personalities. Soon it will be his graduation but he planned that nothing could go wrong with them. There was a moment when he said to himself that he didn't love her. He was in love with her. There was no way she was in the relationship alone. She was his everything.

Vaughn smiled at Marshall. "What are you thinking?"

"You're perfect." He said as he held her waist and kissed her. He wanted to hold her close and never let go. Hell, he will never let her go. She was the only one for him.

They mainly found love above all in the relationship they accumulated. They Bo doubt had physical attraction but it was not the focus of their beings.

They kissed passionately knowing that they had all the time in the world. Other than their rough kisses, this was the most patient expression of love they have had so far. Marshall knew that Vaughn went through a tragedy as a child, having her innocence taken away from her was not something she could just forget. He didn't want to force her to do anything. He loved her.

He looked into her eyes as his manhood perked up in excitement. He was harder than steel because of the way she made him warm inside and out. He wanted some sign that she was okay and she wanted him to continue. If she said no, he would stop.

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