Chapter 12

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"Levesque, Hazel," Professor Mcgonagall.

I walked toward where the hat sat on the stool. The Hat was lowered onto my head, where it covered my eyes. 

"How many more of you are there?" a voice said.

"How many more of what?" I replied.

"Demigods," he said sighing.

"What's so bad about us?" I asked it.

"For the last time please don't call me it and it's just that you guys are so hard to sort and have the worst lives," he said tiredly.

"It may be true that we have the worst lives, but we are good peoples of course."

"Just lift up your mind barriers and let me sort you. Please don't make me say this again," he said in a monotonous tone.

"Okay, I'll do it."

I sat there bored and tapping my foot on the ground (because of my ADHD) as the Hat looked through my long life.

"You're like your boyfriend over there, I can't decide between Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Since I can't decide, I'll put you in GRYFFINPUFF!"

Everyone in the Great Hall, except my friends (who were busy squirming around), looked at me in dismay. Even the teachers looked a bit shocked too. 

"For now, just sit where the rest of your group is sitting," Professor McGonagall uttered.

I watched as every Hogwarts student stared at me while I proceeded to walk to the Gryffindor table.

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