Chapter 11

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I headed up to the stool where the hat lay. When I got to where the hat lay, Professor McGonagall placed the Hat on my head. 

"DAM, another demigod," a voice said.

"Who's speaking in my head?" I asked.

"Me, the sorting hat, of course."


"Yes, I'm getting tired of this, so please put down your mind barriers so I can sort you," the  Sorting Hat snapped.

"Fine, don't get so angry," I replied to him.

"Sorry, I'm getting tired of  you guys ," the Hat said sighing mentally.

The Hat sobbed at the sad parts of my life, but was mostly silent. After he finished looking at my memories, he said:

"I can't decide, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. So I'll put you in....GRYFFINPUFF!"

I looked around at the shocked faces of everyone in the Great Hall. McGonagall's face was masked in shock.

"This is the second time this has happened," she said.

"Well um, okay," I said to McGonagall.

"Just go sit down at Gryffindor for now," she said.

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