Did I Scare You?

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I smile to myself, it's been so long since I felt a loving touch.. and not greedy hands.. it's different.. it's nice
I watch tv with her for a little before I remember about the pups and get up to call Anthony just to make sure he was able to go feed them

"Hey hold on, I've gotta make a call okay?" I say to Demi and she nods as she continues to watch tv
I get up and walk towards the counter and grab my phone

Anthony: Hey Addy! What's up?
Me: Hey! Were you able to go over to my place and feed the fatties & let them out to go potty?
Anthony: Duh bitch, I know I may be an asshole but I'm not evil, I wouldn't let those sweet shitheads starve or shit all over your house, although, now that I think of it, might of been kind of funny
Me: *rolls my eyes so far into my head I can practically see my brain* you're an asshole, but I love you, thank you, did you lock my doors?
Anthony: Yeah I locked everything up after I left, hey, you did receive a couple of packages though and...
Me: And??? Who are they from?
Anthony: *stays silent*
Me: Anthony Thompson, answer my fucking question, who are they from?
Anthony: Gabriella...
Me: *stays quiet*
Anthony: Addy? You there?
Me: Yeah.. I've gotta go okay, I love you, thank you for going over to feed the pups .. *click*

Of all the names that could've come out of Anthony's mouth, it had to be hers.. Gabriella.. the 35 year old woman I "dated" for 5 years.. the woman that abused me and used me whatever way she wanted. The woman my "mother" accepted 35,000 dollars from in order for me to be her "property" when I was only 14. The woman I had to escape on my own, with the help of no one. Flashbacks of my 20th birthday, the night I escaped, are flooding my mind right now.
I set down my phone and stare emotionless at the wall. How the fuck did she find me? How does she know where I live? I moved across the fucking country for gods sake. How the fuck did this happen?
I start pulling my hair out as I slide down on the wall, my piercing sobs echoing in the room.

"Baby.. baby.. what happened? Are you okay? Don't pull your hair.. it's okay. Talk to me, what happened?!" Demi's voice cracked and was full of worry as she scooped me up and held me in her arms, slowly walking us over to the bed
I cling onto her shirt as my sobs continued to flow out of me, no end in sight
Full blown panic attack in 3...2...1
Show time
I scream louder as my sobs bounce off the walls, I can feel Demi playing with my hair softly and rocking us back and forth trying desperately to calm me down
"I....I....n..need... my pills!" I grip onto my chest as I struggle to breathe, leaving claw marks that soon start to drip blood, it feels as though a fucking elephant is sitting on me
Demi runs towards my bag and brings it to me, her eyes full of tears as she's desperately trying to keep her composure
I open my bag and throw everything out, finally finding the bottle of Klonopin & the bottle of Ativan & the Benadryl, a cocktail that had been given to me many times while being in patient in a psych hospital or rehab, the only things that were able to calm me down.
I quickly take all three pills and lay on my side as I continue to try to control my breathing, Demi is holding onto me for dear life as she softly cries into my back, rubbing it softly
"You're okay.. you're here with me okay? Nothings going to happen to you here, I'm going to keep you safe, I'm here, breathe honey, tell me three things in my room that you can see right now" she whispers as I open my tear filled eyes, they dart around the room,
"I....i can see your guitar, I can.. see a picture with you and your family, and I can see your perfume bottles" I let out a deep breath, by the end of that I was completely calm, how tf did she do that? No ones been able to calm me down from a panic attack before.. I mean, no one has ever even stayed by my side as I had one, she's amazing.. fuck, I probably scared the shit out of her.
I turn around to face her, her eyes are glossy, and her cheeks are tear stained, she flashes a soft but genuine smile, and I do the same as I pull her closer against me
"You didn't have to do that... but.. thank you so much.. thank you for being here, I'm sorry if I scared you.." I look down
She quickly lifts my face with her finger under my chin
"Don't you dare apologize for something you can't control beautiful girl, and no need to thank me, I'm here, and I will always be here. Don't ever doubt that" she presses her lips to my forehead as I smile, my cheeks a bright red
She notices and giggles softly then stops
"Whenever you feel ready to talk to me about what happened just now, just know that I'm here okay? Whenever you feel comfortable and you're ready, I'll be here to listen"
I smile softly as I pull her closer against me
What are these feelings? Is this love? Is this what love feels like? I've never felt this before, it's as though with every interaction I get more and more intoxicated by her. No alcohol, no drugs, just her..

I cling onto her as I begin to drift off, she kisses my forehead one last time as she starts to fall asleep as well
This was a long ass day, hopefully I haven't scared her of, hopefully she stays, because this, I can honestly get used to this.
I smile to myself as I drift off.

Hey guys, sorry for the boring ass chapter, I've been pretty sick lately, and feeling like shit, your comments mean the world to me, comment, vote, anything! Let me know what you like, and don't like, or what you'd like me to add or see happen!!

You do as I say, understood? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat