15 Secrets Part 2

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The past week has been absolutely agonizing for Sehun. With no word from Kai, he feels terrible. He wants to die in a hole or something. But he pushes himself forward. Goes to work every day, act like everything's fine. When Minseok thanks him for introducing him to Luhan, he smiles and nods; even when his boss tells him about how they're going to go to dinner and then he's going to teach Luhan how to make latte art. Sehun tells Minseok he's glad they like each other before he goes on his day. Sehun is glad Luhan and Minseok like each other, and he's seen it. Sometimes his roommate would come in to say hello to him, and he can see the spark in their eyes. How quickly they get along and how natural everything seems.

"Goodnight, Minseok," Sehun calls out. "Have fun with Luhan tonight."

"Oh, thank you!" His boss replies happily. By the candles Sehun saw in the back office, he knows it's not just latte art they have in mind. Luhan and his damn candles. Sehun smiles and shakes his head. He stops for a moment and sighs once outside. Even though it's the start of his weekend, he feels tired, and honestly, like shit. He gives Luhan a knowing look as he quickly rushes in.

"Good luck," Sehun laughs as he holds the door open. It must be nice owning a coffee shop and being able to use it whenever desired. He rolls his eyes when Luhan wiggles his eyebrows. He checks his phone as he makes his way through the cold night, towards his apartment.

Baekhyun: let's go out tonight!

Sehun: No, thanks. I'm tired enough as it is. :)

Baekhyun: but it's the weekend!

Sehun: Which means I get to sleep in.

Sehun smiles again before he pockets his phone and wraps his scarf tighter around himself.

It's dark when he enters the apartment. Dark and unusually quiet. It's normal enough lately, but he's always used to hear Luhan whenever gets home; used to being greeted. It's not that he minds, though. His roommate's happiness is more important. He sighs as he sets his coat on his dresser, not bothering to hang it up. A bit of a bad habit he's started thanks to Kai's influence. He frowns when he thinks about him. But he can't keep checking for messages. If it won't happen, it just won't.

Sehun wakes up to a lot of different and strange texts. And he's still groggy when he checks his phone. He squints at the screen as he walks out of his room, down the hall; still in his pajamas.

Luhan: will not be home tonight ;)

Sehun shakes his head and keeps reading. There's a lot of very drunk texts from both Baekhyun and Chanyeol collectively. Both were whining and wishing Sehun went out. One or two very sober texts from Kyungsoo wishing him well before probably going to sleep himself. Like Sehun, Kyungsoo isn't a huge drinker. He might drink at a birthday or some other celebration.

"You don't usually sleep in."

Sehun screams and almost drops his phone. He quickly spins, staring at Kai with wide-eyes. He puts his hand over his heart and whines a little. "For fuck's sake, Kai," He laughs shakily. "You KNOW you can't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," Kai mutters as he stands, setting a magazine to the side. Sehun frowns at how tired he looks. "I'm surprised you slept so late."

Sehun shrugs before he grabs a bottle of water, suddenly very thirsty. "I don't have anywhere else to be today," He says as he heads back to his room. He slowly sets the bottle down on his dresser and looks at Kai. "Kai, I..." He sighs. "I'm really sorry about...last week. I shouldn't have said-"

"No, it's fine," Kai quickly cuts in. "I don't think you said anything wrong."

"Really?" Sehun huffs as he changes. "I didn't get that message." Taking out the painting of Minseok he was working on, as a gift, he sets it out on the easel before getting any supplies he needs. Kai watches him as he sets up; not saying anything even as Sehun sits to start. He doesn't want to be mad at Kai, not ever. But he can't help but feel that way. Even after Kyungsoo and the others said to give him time to think. He doesn't feel nervous when Kai slowly walks up, standing behind him and watches as he paints. He's watched him plenty of times before.

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