4 Old Flames

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"If we really want to make this work, we need to get Luhan in on it too," Sehun explains as he leads Kai up the stairs heading to his apartment. "He texted me that he's back early, which is weird. But it's a perfect time to meet him!"

Kai raises a brow, watching Sehun fish out his keys. "And why is the roommate important?"

"You heard my mom, Kai," he points out. "Luhan LOVES gossip. And he knows everything that goes on in my life. If my mom talks to him about a boyfriend, he's going to call it out as a lie."

"You two share a strange friendship."

"Actually," Sehun pauses as he unlocks the door."I think it's mostly Luhan being bored." As soon as the door is open, Sehun takes a step in. He frowns, slowly setting his keys on the kitchen counter. Luhan has his back to them on the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest as his shoulders shake. He glances briefly at Kai before making his way over to his roommate. "Lu?"

Luhan sniffs and looks at him. His usual eyeliner is gone, his hair messy, and he's in his pajamas still; a very strange look for him. He ALWAYS gets dressed, even if he didn't go anywhere that day. So to see his usually fashionable and bubbly roommate in disarray makes him suddenly worry. Taking a quick seat beside his friend, he motions towards Kai. After giving him a weird look, he points to the fridge. "Wine," He mouths. Sehun nods when Kai pulls out a bottle and shows it to him.

"Luhan, what happened?" Sehun finally asks. When Kai sets the alcohol down, his roommate doesn't hesitate to grab the bottle and down a good majority of it. Kai blinks and raises his brows in surprise. "Why are you not in China?"

Luhan takes a tissue from the nearby box and blows his nose. "I-I went to China..."

"Yeah, two or three days ago," Sehun says slowly.

"Kris he uh..." Luhan says through bawls. "I went to China, and e-everything was fine but um..." Sehun grabs him some more tissues. "He said he had...he had big news. God, I thought he was...was going..."

"Propose," Sehun finishes with a sigh. "What...what happened?"

"Oh, he announced an engagement," Luhan laughs dryly between sobs. "But not with me!"

Sehun watches him take another gulp of wine. "What do you mean? Who did he propose to?"

"Some...some bitch!" Luhan spits out, catching his breath after setting the bottle back down. "I don't...know her...n-name. Kris said he was seeing her..." His roommate grabs a nearby pillow and begins to tear at it. It's one Kris at given him a few months prior. "I'm so stupid!" Luhan blubbers. Kai casually takes a pocket knife from his jacket, handing it to Luhan. The Chinese boy grabs it and begins cutting into the fabric harshly. "F-fucking! Prick!"

Sehun reaches over and gently rubs his roommate's knee. He doesn't know what to say. He's seen the two of them together and they seemed happy. Kris always seemed to really adore Luhan; showering him with so many gifts. Luhan tries to wipe his tears away after finally setting the knife down on the coffee table. He tosses the ruined pillow to the side as if looking at it made him sick. It makes Sehun sick to look at it too. He takes a deep breath as soon as his lip stops quivering and looks up at Kai. "Who...who is this?" He finally asks.

"Oh god," Sehun sighs, standing up. "This...uhh..."

"Sehun!" Luhan sniffs. "Did you finally meet someone?" His roommate looks at him with his big, puffy red eyes.

"Yes," Sehun lies with a smile. He figures his roommate could use some good news. Especially with his breakup. He wasn't going to lie originally, but he can't help it now. He'll tell Luhan the truth when he feels better.

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