3 Meeting Mother and Father

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Sehun knows this plan will work but it still makes him incredibly nervous. Not only that, but he feels terrible. Having to lie to his parents like this? Not to mention, the guy isn't even gay. What if they don't believe him? He sighs as he sits beside Kai, sipping tea to calm his nerves. The paid man doesn't even seem worried.

"You worry a lot, don't you?" Kai says and rests his arm along the booth behind Sehun.

"They're my parents," he points out. "Of course I worry." As if on cue, Sehun's parents rush through the door. When they spot their son, they smile and quickly makes their way over to take a seat.

"Sehun, darling," His mother pats his head gently. Sehun forces a smile when she looks at Kai. "Who is this? A friend?"

Sehun opens his mouth to answer but Kai steps in, smiling himself. "Kim Jongin, but please, call me Kai," He introduces himself, "I'm Sehun's boyfriend." The way he said that so naturally gives Sehun the impression he must be a good actor.

Sehun's parents stare at him and it begins to make Sehun extremely nervous. "Sehun, you have a boyfriend?" His father asks. "Since when?"

"This morning," Kai lies. "Funny story, actually. We've been friends for months- I'm surprised he's never mentioned me."

Sehun glare at Kai. "Well, you know me," He laughs nervously. "I'm...a reclusive guy."

"Our Sehun hates talking about himself; never telling anyone even the biggest news."

"And he didn't even tell you when he got his job," Kai sighs and Sehun looks at him in confusion. How did he know that?

"No!" She huffs. "Did he tell you?"

"Are you kidding?" He scoffs. "I had to find out all by myself- only when I went in for coffee."

Sehun's father nods. "His roommate, Luhan, had to tell us!"

"Luhan," Kai repeats and slaps the table gently. "The boy loves to gossip, huh?"

"The biggest gossip I've ever met," His mother laughs. She sighs happily. "Oh, Sehun- your boyfriend is such a nice man. I'm so glad you found someone. I wish you had told us, though. I wouldn't have tried to set you up!"

Sehun clears his throat. "Y-you know me...I uh...I was just nervous you guys wouldn't like him."

"What's not to like?" His father speaks up. "The guy seems nice, funny, smart; he dresses a little strange but that's none of our business. If you're happy, we're happy."

Sehun's cheeks warm up when Kai wraps an arm around his shoulder and pulls him closer. "That's just what I love about him. Shy little Sehun," Kye chuckles. "Isn't it adorable?"

Sehun's parents look at each other, seemingly pleased. "Well, we won't keep you, hun," His mother says as they both stand. "We're happy for you, darling. It was SO nice to meet you, Jongin!"

"Please, call me Kai."

"Of course, sweetie," His mother waves them goodbye, even as they're outside, through the window. Sehun doesn't stop smiling until they're out of view and far enough. He groans and sets his head on the table.

"Ugh, finally."

"They seem..." Kai pulls his arm back. He slides out of the booth and sits opposite of Sehun. "Annoying."

"They are," Sehun admits. "But, you know. they're my parents." Kai just shrugs his shoulders. "How...did you know I didn't tell them? When I got a job?" He follows when Kai motions and leads him to an outside table. He lights a cigarette, only responding after he exhales.

My Last Hope[republished from Aff] by VenelleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz