13 Sehun Hates Plans

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Just as before, Sehun can't seem to concentrate on the movie. It's another romance; which is his favorite kind. But he still can't focus. It isn't the bad kind, like with their double date. But it's the way his arm is rested next to Kai's on the theater armchair; it makes Sehun suddenly shy. They did this last time, but it feels different now. He glances over at Kai once or twice, and he doesn't know why. He feels, as Luhan puts it, butterflies in his stomach when they sometimes touch hands on accident. He tries to focus on the movie again when Kai finally reaches over slowly and links their index fingers. Sehun looks away when the couple on-screen kiss. It reminds him of Kai and his two kisses. Fake kisses but it still made Sehun warm. He glances down at Kai's hand and the pink on his knuckles from when he punched Tao earlier. As if it wasn't hard enough to focus before, it's even more so when Kai finally intertwines their fingers together; filling the gaps between their hands.

Sehun tries to even out his breathing. He's held Kai's hand like this before, but now it's different. HE feels different. "You alright?"

Sehun smiles over at Kai and nods. "I'll be back," He whispers before getting up and leaving. He sighs once in the hall. He rubs his face and goes to the bathroom, using cold water to splash his face. He stares at himself in the mirror, wiping some spots off. What's even going on? He knows he can't feel this way and yet he does. But it's how Kai acts that confuses him. The way he punched Tao when he bad mouthed Sehun or even touched him. How Kai holds his hand so firmly but not roughly. Not to mention how he took him out and paid for it with his own money. "Ugh..." Sehun smacks the sink with his palm. "I'm so confused!" He stares at the white of the porcelain before pulling his phone out. He feels too bad to let this go on. Kai is too nice to him. He lets out a deep breath as he puts his phone up to his hear, waiting. As usual, Kyungsoo picks up a bit late.

"Hello, SEhun," Kyungsoo greets.

"Hey," Sehun sighs. He doesn't pay attention as one or two other boys come in to do their business. "Look, I...I need..."


"I'm going...to end that payment stuff with Kai," Sehun finally says. "B-but I want to give him his last bit of money if that's alright."

Kyungsoo goes silent before speaking up moments later. "What are you talking about? Sehun, Kai told me he didn't want to get paid any more for a few weeks now."

Sehun raises his brows in surprise. "Um...what?"

"If I remember correctly, it's right after Chanyeol called him to comfort you. The next day, he came to my home, he looked pretty mad, and asked if he can stop receiving payment." Sehun licks his lip as he slowly turns and stares at the door. He smiles awkwardly when those boys earlier look at him. "Are you alright? Sehun?"

Sehun clears his throat, suddenly more confused than ever. Kai has taken him out for so many coffees and lunches since then. He even paid for this dumb movie and snacks. "I'm sorry I bothered you."

"Bother me?" Kyungsoo chuckles. "Come on, Sehun. I could be in the middle of organizing my home, and you still wouldn't be a bother."

"Thanks," Sehun tries not to sound upset. "I'll let you get back to it then."

"Take care of yourself. Remember to eat properly."

"Thanks, dad," Sehun laughs before saying his goodbye and hanging up. He bites his lip and fiddles with his phone. A few weeks ago. He's stopped getting paid for a few weeks. Why?

"Sehun?" Sehun looks up, smiling when Kai enters the bathroom. "Hey, the movie ended."

"What?!" He looks at the time and groans. How long has he been away? "I'm sorry, Kai. I...got distracted."

My Last Hope[republished from Aff] by VenelleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu