Things that Piss Me Off About My School

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1. Dress code. Seriously, the term "gender dysphoria" means nothing to these people, and if I decide to complain, I get scolded for being "selfish."

2. Because I'm not out to everyone, I have to hear people say all kinds of patently untrue and/or derogatory crap about queer people; for instance, that agender or genderqueer people "make up their own gender to feel special." WTF, man. That's not just a lie, that's a freaking insult and frankly, if you don't know about us, don't comment on us.

3. The only unlocked bathroom during the day is the MF men's room.

4. In gym class, I'm usually on skins. The less said about that, the better. (I mean, I know that I'm still anatomically a guy, but you have some kind of grudge against trans  people or something...What the hell am I saying, of course you do.)

5. People constantly telling me I should "man up" or "be a man." Most of the time, they aren't even trying to be jerks; they just don't know. 

6. No one knowing how they can help- not even me.

7. Religion class. Ye gods, why the hell is this still a requirement? I KNOW I'M PROBABLY GOING TO HELL, I DON'T NEED YOU TO RUB IT IN THIS MUCH!

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