Chapter 9: Thrash-Your-Own-Ass machine

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(If anyone in my family ever reads this, they'd probably end up questioning the title of this chapter, lol.)

Vixen stared at the others in confusion. "Uhh... OK. Hey, Susie. Lancer. What are you two doing?" She asked, noticing the two go back to the donut stand again. "Uh, getting another donut. What else?" Susie asked sarcastically, before turning back to Lancer.

"Alright, so how should we split this jelly donut?" She asked. "I'll take the blood, you take the skin!" Lancer replied. "...I... Don't think I've ever heard people say it like THAT before... Geez, talk about graphic..." Chara commented, mumbling the last part. Ralsei then stepped into the conversation. "If I may ask, how does a donut fit into your plan?" He asked.

Lancer and Susie turned to him. "All real plans allocate for delicious treats." Lancer stated. "Sounds like you need to go back to plan school, Dr. Toothpaste." Susie remarked, mocking Ralsei. "Hoho! Yes! Earn a second doctorate, smart genius!" Lancer added. "What's with them and toothpaste, what the hell..." Chara whispered to herself. "Am I being made fun of...?" Ralsei mumbled, which his teammates caught.

Kris, as usual, didn't say anything. He didn't sign either. His mouth just kind of formed a line, as he didn't know if he should answer or not. Luckily for him, the two sisters decided to answer. Unfortunately, however...
"W-Well, uh..." "Hate to tell you Ralsei, but yes. Yes you are." Chara ended up telling it to him in a very blunt, and a very non-subtle way.

"Oh..." Ralsei said in reaction. "Anyways, we should get going. Come on guys." Vixen said, leading everyone. Somewhere along the path, they encountered two Bloxers. Vixen and Chara flew up, ready to follow orders. Kris once again, checked Bloxers stats. Everyone else simply defended. One of the Bloxers attack, and they have targeted Ralsei; which had unfortunately hit.

"Ouch!" Ralsei yelped, as he winced in pain. Vixen noticed, and quickly went to his side. "Ralsei, you alright?" She asked. "Yes, don't worry. Its a good thing I defended..." He answered.
Kris then tried to rearrange Bloxer's body, in which he succeeded. The Bloxers attempted to attack both Ralsei and Chara, but they both missed.

Kris attempted to rearrange the second Bloxer's body, but he failed this time. The Bloxer didn't seem all that happy, as a result. Ralsei, meanwhile, had spared the contented Bloxer. "ARRGH!! NO! MY BUTT IS MY FACE!" The remaining Bloxer yelled, complaining. Chara snickered a bit. "Pfft... Hey Vixen, how much do you wanna bet that if Sans was here, he'd call this guy a literal butt face?" Chara asked, whispering to her older sister.

Vixen tried to hold back a laugh. "Heh, while it isn't exactly the time, Chara, you have a point. He probably would, haha!" Vixen replied, whispering as well. While she was trying to contain her laughter, she didn't notice the Bloxer aiming it's attacks at both her and Kris. And by the time she HAD noticed, it was too late for her to get out of the way, as her and Kris were hit.

"Ack!" She yelped, as she and Kris fell. Kris got up and helped her get back on her feet. "Thanks, Kris." She said, thanking him. Kris nodded in response, remembering she couldn't really understand sign language. As Kris was rearranging the other Bloxer, Ralsei had approached Vixen. "Vixen, are you alright? You aren't hurt, are you?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, Ralsei... I was a bit... Distracted." Vixen replied. "Anyways, yeah. Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine." She added. "If you're sure..." Ralsei said to her. When they turned back, they noticed that the battle was over, as Kris rearranged Bloxer properly, and Chara had spared him afterwards. Thus ending the battle.

The group continued, soon enough encountering what looked to paper ballerina dolls. "...What. Are. Those." Chara asked, in a stating tone. "Ah, those are forest ballerinas. I don't really know what their called, and neither do a lot of people, so everyone usually just call them that." Ralsei answered. 'Well, its rather fitting.' Kris signed. "Huh. That's a pretty fitting name." Vixen commented, not realizing that's what Kris had just said.

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