Chapter 1: The Legend Of Deltarune

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Kris soon woke up in the dark world, with Susie nowhere to be seen. He got up and looked around for a bit at his unfamiliar surroundings. Afterwards, he decided to start searching for Susie. And while he's at it, a way to get home.

Meanwhile, the two sisters were flying up in the air, the hoods of their cloaks obscuring their faces. They've also summoned their own pairs of wings. Vixen having black angel wings, and Chara having white demon wings with black on the inner part of them. As the two were following Kris, they talked amongst themselves.

"So, you're SURE these two are the heroes of the legend?" Chara asked. "I'm positive, Chara. Why else would they end up here?" Vixen replied. "Heh, you sound like Ralsei right now, you know that?" Chara joked, laughing. "I do?" Vixen asked, only to get a nod from Chara. "Huh. Well then... Anyways, any idea as to where the other one is?" The older girl asked, to which Chara just shrugged. "Nope." She simply stated.

"Well, wherever he... She... They... Whatever, is... I'm positive that this guy will find them, so we should just follow him. After all, there's really only one way to get out of this area. So, it shouldn't be too long 'til we find the other one." Vixen stated, as they continued to follow Kris.

As Kris journeys on, he realized just how surreal this place really is. He had past by some interesting looking flower-like organisms that seemed to giggle as he walked by, and cube-shaped ground formations with holes on the side leaking a black substance. Just what was this place; he wondered. He also wondered where Susie was, and if she was holding up OK.

Kris soon found another path that went south. All he saw when he took it was another ground formation. When he looked into one of the holes, he saw a strange, glowing pink shard in it. Not sure what to do, he just took it out of curiosity. Who knows, maybe he'd find a use for it later.

Eventually, Kris walked by more of the flower things from earlier. Only this time, they attacked him. Luckily, he dodged each attack. Vixen stared in surprise after witnessing this, her younger sister had the same reaction. "How did you get past those the first time?" Chara asked. Vixen looked over at her. "I... I never HAD to get past those before... The first time I came to this world, I opened a portal to somewhere different... I didn't know those things existed, let alone attack." She explained.

"Wait, so, where did you open the portal then?" Chara asked. "Umm... Some field with red trees, I think... I don't know, its been awhile. After all, after the first few times, I started hanging out a few ways farther than here." Vixen recalled. As the two girls were talking, Kris solved a puzzle, in which he had to make the eyes pitch black by pressing the correct switches. It was quite simple, really.

After he did so, it summoned a little bridge of what looked like some kind of glass, or crystal. When he got to the other side, he slid down a slope that was awaited him by a cliff.
"We should probably follow him, huh?" Chara asked, stopping her and Vixen's conversation short. "Yeah, most likely. We'll talk about this later." Said girl replied with a nod, as they continued to fly after Kris. They kept their distance, however. Just so they didn't cause alarm.

When Kris reached the bottom, he discovered what looked like giant piles of dust... Or were they rocks...? I dunno. Anyways, he touched one, and it was destroyed in seconds. He destroyed two more afterwards out of curiosity. When he destroyed another one, however, he vaguely saw a figure retreat into another pile. "Did you see that, sis?" Chara whispered to her older sister. "Yeah, I did. I think it might be the other 'lightner', as Ralsei calls them." Vixen whispered back.

Kris destroyed the other piles before destroying the last one, which was blocking the path. When he destroyed it, he uncovered Susie, who was holding up her arms to shield her face. "H-Hey! B... Back off! Come any closer, and I'll-!" She stuttered, trying to sound threatening. But then she quickly realized it was just Kris.

The Angel of Darkness, And the Demon of LightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz