Chapter 23: Farewell For Now, Dear Friends

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(Yeeeah, the image is a bit of a spoiler.)

After the king struck them, Kris, Susie, Vixen, and Chara force themselves back into a kneeling position. Once everyone caught their breath,Susie and Chara gave the king hateful glares. "Y... You..." Susie seethed with hatred. "I FUCKING KNEW WE COULDN'T TRUST YOU!!!" Chara screamed, total and utter anger on her face. "Urgh... Chara is right... We were fools to let our guards down..." Vixen mumbled, as she gave the king a glare of her own.

The team tried to get themselves back onto their feet, but were stopped short when the king aimed some more spade attacks at them. "Did I say you could get up?" He mused. "D... Do we look like we CARE?" Chara bitterly asked, as liquid hatred began leaking out of her eyes.

The king paid her no mind, as he fired the attack at both her and Susie. The attack was deflected, however. As Kris jumped in the way with his shield. Vixen meanwhile took back to the air, dagger in hand as she sought to defend her friends by any means. "Kris!? Vixen!?" Susie yelled, as she glanced between the two. "What the hell...?" Chara mumbled, questioningly.

"...If you think we're letting you hurt our friends again... Then you're stupider than I thought..." Vixen stated, her eyes glowing with a familiar spark of burning hatred and determination, as Kris simply nodded his head at her statement. Though, the king clearly didn't see them as a challenge, as he simply fired more attacks at them, thus knocking them back to the ground.

"Oh, spare me the heroics." The king laughed, as he shot more attacks at Kris, sending him away from his friends. The evil monarch then approached the fallen boy, a spiteful aura surrounding him. "You... You're the leader, aren't you?" He asked, once he got closer. "K... Kris... L... Leave him alone, you bastard!" Vixen yelled from where she was, ready to so much as kill if it came down to it. "Silence, angel!" The king yelled back at her, as he fired another attack her way, shutting her up.

"Now that she's dealt with... Tell me, lightner..." The king began, as he faced Kris once again. "What's your plan? To laugh, as you cast us all back into obscurity?" He asked, angrily. Kris, as usual, said nothing. And of course, the king, being the salty assbag he is, didn't take too kindly to this. "You can't even say...?" He asked, before kneeling down in front of the boy.

"Young one... Let me tell you a secret." He stated, before lifting Kris up roughly, and aiming more attacks at him. Susie perked up at hearing the familiar word choice, as she recalled that she had said something similar to Kris before they ended up here. And just as she recognized these words, she also recognized the next.

"Quiet people PISS ME OFF."

Having enough, Susie got up and swung her ax at the evil king, causing him to drop Kris. She had also moved her hair out of her eyes. Chara was right by her side, dagger in hand. Vixen was back by Ralsei, healing him with her heal song. Once she was done, she came back to the others, with her own dagger wielded.

"Hey." "Greetings." Susie and Chara said, as Vixen remained silent. "Get away." Susie started. "From our." Chara continued, before they said in sync, "Friend." The king faced the girls, smirking. "Heh heh heh heh..." He laughed, darkly. "OR WHAT? You'll KILL me?" He asked, tauntingly. "Nah." "Nope!" Susie and Chara bluntly responded.

The king frowned as he stepped closer to the antagonizing trio of girls. "So what's your plan, then...? To TALK me to death...?" He sarcastically asked, as he continued getting closer. "You stupid, stupid lightners." He said, as he stopped in his tracks. "You honestly think you have any way..." He paused, as he aimed attacks over everyone
"...To convince me NOT to kill you?" He finally asked, sadistically. "Nah." Susie responded, smirking. "But THEY might." Chara added, smirking as well as she pointed behind Kris.

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