Chapter 17: Chaos, Chaos!

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(My first attempt at drawing Jevil. How's it look? Also, it is now time, my friends... Time for C H A O S!)

On their way to speak with Seam, Ralsei walked to Vixen's side in order to ask her a few things. "Hey, Vixen?" He said, getting her attention. "Do you think Seam has any connections with Jevil?" He asked. Vixen hummed as she thought for a moment. "Umm... I'm not a hundred percent sure, to tell you the truth. But at the same time..." She paused, looking away for a few seconds before looking back at Ralsei.

"...I think it IS relatively possible... Sometimes when I went to see him, he'd occasionally mumble under his breath, mentioning something about a jester and his strange 'game'. But whenever I asked, he'd say that its nothing I should, and I quote, 'worry my precious little head about'." She finished.

"Pfft, precious little head..." Susie snickered, though it went unheard to all except Kris, who rolled his eyes. "Jester and his strange game... Yep, sounds like Jevil to me!" Chara stated. "OK, that makes sense, but... Why would Seam have any relation to Jevil...?" Ralsei wondered out loud. "Even I admit that that's a good question. Seriously, those two are as opposite as chalk and crayons. What the hell kinda connection would they even have?" Susie added.

Kris suddenly stopped and faced the others. 'Well, I guess we're about to find out. Look where we are.' He signed, which Chara translated for Vixen. "Alright, let's see if we can get any answers." Vixen stated, as she and others stepped in. "Welcome, travele- ah, Vixen. Welcome back. Its been awhile." Seam greeted, interrupting himself when he noticed Vixen with the group.

"Hey Seam. Anyways, yes. It has been awhile, hasn't it?" Vixen asked. "Indeed it has." Seam replied, before looking to the others. "I see you've joined the lightners on their quest. How's that going, by the way?" He asked. "It's going good. But Seam, we came here for a reason. We'd like to talk to you about something." Vixen replied, remembering the reason as to why they came here.

"Alright then. Take a seat, everyone." Seam stated, as everyone sat around a small table in the corner of the shop. "So, what is it you five would like to discuss?" Seam asked. "Well... We were kind of wondering if-." "We wanna know if you know anything about a weird prisoner in secret cell." Susie stated, interrupting Ralsei.

Seam stared at the young teens/preteens in silence for a moment. "So you've found him, I see..." He finally said. "I had always thought I locked him up well enough to the point that nobody, not even if they tried, could find him... You kids are quite clever." He added.

"Seam, who is he?" Vixen asked. "My dear, he is someone that has lost his grip on reality. A long time ago, he was the court jester. And I was the court magician. He was a good man, until one day, he talked to some strange man... He started saying things that didn't completely make sense, yet at the same time, didn't completely not make sense either. After some time, the four kings ordered me to lock him away, and for him to never be found." Seam replied, looking at her.

"Um, if I may, Seam... Can I ask, is he... Dangerous?" Ralsei asked, hesitantly. "Somewhat, yes." Seam replied. "OK, so he's dangerous. But... Should we really leave him alone like that?" Chara questioned, as Susie joined back in. "The kid's not wrong. Maybe we should deal with him." She stated.

Seam thought for a minute. "Hmm, now that you mention it, it may be good idea to deal with him once and for all..." He said to himself. "Alright. If you kids feel like it, you can go see him for yourself. Or not, I don't really care. Either way, do you have all the key pieces?" He asked. "Yeah. Chara's been keeping them with her." Vixen replied.

"Alright then. Well in that case, go see Malius. He can fix the key. Though, I warn you, children... Jevil is a very formidable foe... Do not let your guard down around him..." Seam stated, warning the five. "Thank you, Seam. Anyways, we'll be careful... Or at least, try to be." Vixen replied, glancing away at the end. "That's good enough for me. Good luck, kiddos... Though, I don't know if you could call it that..." Seam said, as the group left.

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