requiem of the spinning world

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Original Publish Date: May 11, 2019

a/n: thank you for clicking on this story! please take note there are spoilers for a link between worlds and majora's mask up ahead. 

additionally, the lovely artwork featured on the current cover of this book belongs to @shattered-earth on tumblr ( and is being used with full permission 🙏 please remember to support them 💕

It had only been a few hours since Link and Princess Zelda returned to Hyrule.

Only a few hours since Princess Hilda and Co. witnessed the Triforce materialize right before their eyes...

And only a few hours since their hearts had swollen up with hope for the future.

Everyone was overjoyed, undoubtedly, but it wasn't long before reality settled in—and Princess Hilda realized that their broken land wouldn't just magically heal overnight. A long, agonizingly slow restoration process was waiting ahead of them.

And Ravio, her servant, was absolutely stressed out.

The day had been long enough for him already. Do you know how much courage it had taken to interrupt Hilda's confrontation with Link the Hero? The whole time, he couldn't hear anything but his heart pounding out of his chest!

But that wasn't all.

The rest of Lorule still had its issues. Even with the Triforce restored, there was a lot of cleaning up to do, purging of leftover evil to do, and the troubled Loruleans wanted answers and they wanted them now.

"Princess Hilda, there are still monsters roaming the country! What are you going to do about them?"

"Princess Hilda, the crime rate is still very high here! I don't feel safe in my own home!"

"Princess Hilda, we're starving! Wish upon that Triforce of yours and give us bountiful crops and supplies!"

"Princess Hilda, Princess Hilda, Princess Hilda—!"

So Princess Hilda had agreed to meet with and provide solace for her people in the throne room, where her subjects all piled in and expelled each of their concerns onto her. Ravio was there too, per the princess's request; she had told him that his presence brought her peace of mind.

But having to listen to so many complications was surely not Ravio's favorite thing to do.

He was exhausted. He felt like he was suffocating. All these pleas and complaints did nothing but crush the excitement and confidence which he felt elated with earlier, when he had seen the Triforce for the first time in his life.

Of course, he would never speak a word of his discomfort to Hilda, but she was able to somehow sense it anyway. Because once she finished dealing with another one of her subjects, she turned to Ravio, and encouraged him to call it a night.

"Are you sure, Princess?" Ravio could hardly believe it.

"Please," she insisted. "It isn't fair of me to be subjecting you to all of this. Go get some rest."

So even though Ravio felt horrible for leaving her, he truly thought he would pass out if he didn't take a break. Besides, his house wasn't too far from the castle. If Hilda wound up needing him again, for whatever reason, it wouldn't take long for a messenger to come to his home.

...Although, he had to admit, it was times like these that reminded him of how much he would dread being someone important in society. He played his part for the realm's last trial of strength, and he never wanted to do that again. He was no Link the Hero. Holding the balance of the worlds in his own two hands? He felt stressed just remembering it.

So instead, he thought about his house, and how comfy his bed would be once he got home, and let himself relax. He'd accumulated many rupees in the past few months, so now the only goal he had for himself was to get three months worth of beauty sleep (at minimum).

...At least, that would have been ideal. But it was very quickly made clear to him that the goddesses weren't planning on letting his night end quite yet.

Soleil ✧ Ravio x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu