1 Blind Date

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"You don't even like coffee," Kyungsoo watches as Sehun wipes down their table. "Why are you even working here?"

Sehun shakes his head. "Minseok got me the job," he responds. He stands up straight and adjusts his apron. "A coffee shop wasn't exactly my first choice. But I was desperate." As soon as he's finished, all of three of his friends set their cups back down.

"Aw, Sehun. Baekhyun could have gotten you a job at the club," Chanyeol chimes in and Baekhyun nods in agreement.

"Totally," he says. "You'd do well there as a bartender, I think."

Sehun shakes his head. "You know I don't like that kind of scene. It's too loud and busy." When the bell above the door rings, Sehun goes to greet his new customers. "Mom? Dad?" He stuffs his rag back into his back pocket. "What are you guys doing here?"

"There you are, Sehun!" Sehun's mother says cheerfully. "Honey, when do you get off?"

Sehun looks at them in confusion before looking at his watch. "Five minutes, why?"

"We have something to tell you," Sehun's father announces. "We'll just wait until you finish up."

Sehun shakes his head as he gets back to his work. He was going to go out with his friends but when it comes to his parents, they except his full attention. When he goes over to tell them, they all shrug.

"Don't worry, Sehun," Kyungsoo chuckles. "We already get it."

"Thanks, guys," Sehun sighs. "I'll catch up with you all tonight. It won't take long."

Sehun stares at his parents from across the table. "You did what?"

"We set you up for a date!" His mother repeats. "Oh, baby. You haven't been on a date since your second year in high school and we're getting worried."

"I don't have time for romance," Sehun points out. "I want to work on my job and hobbies."

"Yes, yes," Sehun's father waves his hand. "We know how important painting is for you but so is romance! We just want you to be happy."

"I AM happy. I have my friends, my job, my art."

"Sehun, please- you must be so lonely," His mother puts in. "Just meet the man tonight...please?"

Sehun raises his brows. "It's...a man?" When they nod, he huffs. "You hooked me up with a man?"

"We asked your little friend, Minseok, what kind of girls you like. And he says you don't like girls at all!"

Sehun groans and rubs his face. He's honestly going to kill that guy. He sighs and looks back over at his parents. They both stare at him, smiling hopefully. Sehun has always done everything he can to make his parents happy. He even dated some girl in high school. It didn't work out, obviously. They were disappointed enough that he skipped college to get a job. With a final sigh, Sehun nods. "Alright, I'll meet him."

"Yay!" His mother cheers and leans over to kiss his forehead. "Thank you, honey! I promise you'll like this man! He's the son of one of our friends and he even runs his own business you know- graduated top of his class."

Things like that don't impress Sehun. He cares about personality, not money or achievements. With any luck, he'll actually like the dude. Though from the type of people his parent's are friends with, he highly doubts that. "When am I meeting him?"

"Um..." The mother looks at her own watch. "Twenty minutes, In that cafe up the road."

"What?" Sehun gasps. "Twenty minutes?!"

"Yeah," They both say at the same time. "So you have time to shower and get dressed. You live nearby, right? With um...what's his name?"

"Luhan," Sehun finishes and she nods quickly.

"You must hurry, darling. You mustn't make him wait. I'll send you a picture of him, okay?"

Sehun grabs his bag and stands up when she begins to rush him. He mumbles a few curses under his breath as he walks off and towards his apartment. He can't believe they'd so something like this. They've gone behind his back to make decisions for him but nothing this extreme. What if the guy was a serial killer?

Upon entering the apartment, he sighs when Luhan smiles at him from the living room couch. "Hey, roomie."

"Hey," Sehun mumbles grimly. He sets his back down, quickly heading to his room.

"Whoooa," His roommate follows, watching Sehun peel off his work uniform. "What's got you all depressed? You look like someone shit in your tea or something."

"A lovely image, thank you," Sehun says sarcastically. Keeping the bathroom door open to talk to Luhan, he begins to run a shower. "My parents, once again, went behind my back."

"Uh, oh...what'd they do this time?"

"They..." Sehun sighs in frustration. "They went behind my back and got me a date!"

"Ew, with a girl?" Luhan asks and Sehun shakes his head.

"No, thankfully. But they set me up with some guy who...I don't know, runs a business or something."

He hears Luhan giggle. "A man in a suit? Oh god, they're hot. Did I mention my boyfriend always wears them?"

Sehun doesn't bother to stay in long, leaving the warm water almost just two minutes after he got in. He accepts the towel Luhan gives him. "So you're still dating that guy? Uh..."

"Yifan, you mean?" Luhan takes a step back when Sehun hurries out. "Yeah but he's in China right now. The guy is still teaching his languages. But get this," he says giddily, frolicking over and landing on Sehun's bed. "He said when I get back to China, he has HUUUGE news for me- he says it's BIG."

"Wow," Sehun laughs and pulls on a pair of skinny jeans. "Sounds like you two are getting serious."

"I know, right?" Luhan sighs dreamily. "He's so hot, Sehun. I feel like every time I see him, I go CRAZY. I get soo nervous."

"I wouldn't know," Sehun admits. Without a warning to his roommate, he turns his blowdryer on. Hastily trying to dry his brown hair.

"You're dressed very casually," Luhan huffs as soon as the dryer is turned off. "What will you do if he's all dressed up?"

"It's a cafe," Sehun raises a brow as he slips on a sweater over a collared, white, short sleeve shirt. "I'm not trying to date him, Lu."


Sehun looks at in the mirror, fixing the button of his sweater and then his hair. "No, I think this is fine."

"No makeup?"

"I don't wear makeup," Sehun scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous." He grabs his wallet and stuffs it into his back pocket, as well as his phone. "I'll see you tonight?"

"No," Luhan shakes his head. "In a week. I'm catching my plane to China tonight."

"See you in a week then," Sehun laughs. "Don't forget to eat." Without another word, Sehun grabs his keys and heads off. The cafe his mother mentioned isn't even five minutes away. So when he does get there, he stops and glances through the window. Looking at the photo his mother sent him, he sighs when spotting him; already at a table and with a cup of, what looks like, coffee. It's not too late to run, is it? He could jsut run back home and tell his mother he never arrived.

Sehun pushes himself to open that damn door and walk to that man. After a sip of his coffee, he stands up and smiles widely. Bright, bright white teeth. So white, it could seriously blind someone. "You must be Sehun," He greets. "It's nice to meet you." Sehun fakes a smile as he sits down and peels off his coat; which this man didn't even offer to do. That definitely takes off some points.

What a total gentleman.

this book is the property of Venelle from Aff....just saying

My Last Hope[republished from Aff] by VenelleWhere stories live. Discover now