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A few hours later, I show up at Miles's door, him having just gotten back to the house. I checked in with him earlier and told him to get changed as soon as he got home and to meet me outside.

He smiles as he opens the door and he shoves his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans, which nicely match his white v-neck, black bracelets, and white vans.

"What's up?" he asks and I grin.

"Come on," I smile, taking his hand and dragging him off towards the guild hall.

"Okay then," Miles laughs as he gets dragged along and I continue to grin.

Once we reach the hall, Valerian, Veddrian, Skye, Rem, Ashton, Katiana, Sampson, Ilroy, Gajiro, Eva, Emmery, Madeline, Dexter, Drusilla, Ciel, and Xilia can be seen gathered on deck, all grinning. The area itself is covered in party supplies, such as strings of white fairy lights, food scattered across the tables, music blasting through speakers, and much more.

"Surprise!" Katiana shouts and beams, spreading her arms open as Miles's eyes widen in surprise.

"What's this for?" Miles chuckles and glances between me and the others.

"We just...wanted to celebrate all being together," I smile and meet Miles's knowing eyes, him nodding in response with a soft smile.

"Some of the others were out on missions, so they couldn't come, but we really wanted to throw a party after all that's happened," Skye says.

"We figured you getting released and ready for questing again would be a good time," Valerian says.

"Well, don't just stand there," Veddrian scoffs, "let's party!"

Gajiro laughs as a few shouts of agreement erupt on deck and everyone starts to mingle around, either eating, talking, or dancing, just genuinely enjoying the company of everyone. Gajiro serves drinks to those of legal drinking age and Veddrian begins poorly singing along to the music that's playing while Katiana and Sampson slow dance together happily. It's then that I notice they're wearing matching gold jewelry, with Katiana wearing a golden heart locket and Sampson wearing a golden bracelet by his watch, which makes me smile at the realization that they must've finally gotten together. Meanwhile, Dexter twirls Drusilla around and Drusilla laughs happily as he smiles lovingly at her and Skye forces the somewhat shy Ilroy to dance by taking his hands in hers and recklessly throwing him around. Rem, Ashton, Ciel, and Xilia join Veddrian in her singing as the five of them hang out together by the drinks table.

In the process of this, Miles goes up to Valerian and throws an arm around his shoulders, the two of them laughing and talking quietly about something as Miles's sisters dance a few feet away from them next to Sampson and Katiana. I glance over at Katiana and she smirks as she meets my eyes, knowing that I've made a decision. I blush slightly and rub the back of my neck, smiling sheepishly back at her before she leans her head against Sampson's shoulder and continues to dance with him. I then turn my attention back to Valerian and Miles to see Miles whispering something in Valerian's ear and clapping him on the back as Valerian's eyes meet mine. Valerian nods quickly just before Miles walks off, winking as he glances in my direction before he goes over with his sisters.

Valerian then walks over to me and I raise a brow whenever he bows and holds out his hand. He raises his head slightly and smirks at me, still bowing.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" Valerian asks.

"I suppose so," I hum out and take Valerian's hand.

Valerian grins and leads me further into the room before he stops and places his hands on my hips while I put my arms around his neck and start to sway to the music.

"So, what was all that about?" I muse, nodding my head in Miles's direction.

"We just...promised each other something. That's all," Valerian smiles knowingly and I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"Promised each other what?" I ask.

"We promised that we'd always both be there for you," Valerian says, his eyes searching mine, "and...he made me promise him that I'd treat you well. In return, he promised me that he'd snap me in two if I didn't."

"I see," my lips turn up in a wry smile and I glance over at Miles, who smiles as he meets my gaze from the corner of his eye, "well put."

"Yeah, I'd say so," Valerian laughs and twirls me around, "but believe me when I say that I'd probably snap myself in two before he got the chance to if I ever hurt you."

"I know," I smile sadly and move my hands to cup the sides of his face, "trust me, I know."

In the background, I notice Emmery running up to Ciel with wide and shining eyes, asking him to be her partner despite being blue and green. I chuckle whenever I see Ciel blush and rub the back of his neck awkwardly, unable to turn down the excited girl who cheers happily whenever he accepts. Meanwhile, Miles watches the scene with narrowed and protective eyes while Eva and Madeline hide their laughter as they stand behind their brother. Somehow, I feel in my heart that the two will make as great of a team as me and Miles are.

"I love you," Valerian smiles warmly as we stand there, his eyes shining with happiness.

I know that we still have many battles to fight and many evils to face, and I know that not everyone yet knows the truth behind what happened. But, I believe that in time, we'll be able to vanquish all of those evils and spread the truth throughout the lands for all to know, for the world to be a better place. And that's why we're here and that's why we do what we do. That's why I, Celes Lunes, am a Vanguard of the Skydeck Vanguard, and I'd never trade it or any of the amazing people I've met and came to love along the way for the world. Because, truth is, this is my world and they are my home.

"I love you too," I beam back at him before he smiles and twirls me once more, thus continuing on in the next chapter of my life, wherever that may take me.

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