Chapter 24: Of Promises and Surprises

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Over the next few days, I told Ciel the truth about our father and we decided that no matter what, we would be better than our role models were. Rem and Ashton went back to the sky city in order to help the people sort things out, and Skye went with the two of them as well. We decided to keep most of what happened private for now until we slowly start changing the history books to their accurate versions and until the people become more accepting of Rem and Ashton, the first step being being there for their home people and making the sky city a better place. They returned last night and said things are going fairly well, well, as well as they could hope for things to go. They promised to keep making trips back and forth between the city and the guild, and Ashton asked Rem to marry him. Albeit, it was a bit sudden, but I understand their situation. They've always loved each other and even now that hasn't changed.

I also thought over who I wanted to be with, whether that be Valerian or Miles. In my heart, I came to a decision and I knew that I had to tell them. Miles woke up a few days ago, as Eva expected him to. I've been visiting him every day and he's going to be released tonight. Katiana, Sampson, and I planned to throw him a party in order to celebrate his release, Ciel coming back, and the defeat of Elise. We invited the others, of course, but we're the ones who organized it.

As of now, I've decided to see Miles before he gets released and tell him my decision. I make my way to the medical building in a pair of light grey sweatpants that have black and white checkers running alongside the sides in stripes, along with a black tank-top, black vans, and my new necklace that I got from him, a light grey jacket tied around my waist. I smile as I make my way to the building and I anxiously fidget the charms on my necklace between my thumb and forefinger as I walk. I open the door to the building and see Eva, who looks at me and smiles. I wave to her politely before I glance around and spot Miles sitting in his bed reading a novel with a dark brown cover.

"Hey," Miles smiles as he looks up from his book upon hearing me enter, his eyes bright, "there's my favorite girl."

Eva glares at him from the counter and he laughs sheepishly.

"You know I love you too," Miles grins and Eva rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath about her unappreciative younger brother.

"What's up?" I ask softly, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.

"Not much," Miles sighs and places the book down on the bed, "I've just been reading and listening to Eva complain, for the most part."

"I heard that," Eva counters as she scribbles down writing on a few documents with a felt-tip pen at her desk.

"You were supposed to," Miles grins before he glances back at me and his expression turns softer, "how're you?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I muse.

"I'm fine," Miles waves it off, "it was just a minor wound."

"Yeah, okay Blondie," I chuckle and ruffle his hair, making him pout.

"Whatever," Miles sighs, "I'm just glad I'm getting out today. I can't wait to continue training and going on quests. Plus, I'm pretty tired of being stuck in here all day. Also, don't think I didn't notice you changing the topic."

"Yeah, yeah," I sigh, glancing down at my lap, which is where my hands are folded, "so...I received another letter."

"And?" Miles looks at me hesitantly, wondering if it's good or bad news.

"And it explained everything...I think," I frown slightly, "it's nothing to worry about, if I'm being honest. It turns out my father's alive and he's the one who sent me the previous letter. He told me about everything that happened and that he only wanted the best for me and Ciel and that he now sees the route he took was wrong. He also mentioned it being risky to write me and that there are more evils out there than know."

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